am i? It is a snake. marvelous creation of the greatest English poet named William Shakespeare. Lear himself rages until his sanity cracks. Links to an read the book "For The Time Being" and write an essay follow the instructionminimun 4-5 pages Until the ege of 12 months, the infent should be essessed for Ortoleni sign. Meanwhile, Egeon has arrived in, At first glance, Shakespeares early comedyLoves Labors Lostsimply entertains and amuses. Some go even to distant places and collect the honey. The example of a beehive1 is given here, by the dramatist, to bring a lesson. The colony grew in my body all that summer.The gaps between my bones filledwith honeycomb and my chestvibrated and hummed. However, here is the file for the guidelines. the poet gives a vivid description of the bees' kingdom in a lyrical form . He describes it and compares it to a kingdom. Sonnet 105. The bees returning from the gardens are honeyladen4 and want to keep the honey drops in the narrow holes. Im changing my name to bee. : /s3:rli/ The lines of bees enter the heart of the flowers, carrying away the sweetness. : Works of art were pillaged from many countries. Virgil wrote of bees, as did Rumi, Shakespeare, Burns, Coleridge, Emerson, Mandelstam, Neruda, Whitmana lyrical hum heard well into the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in poems by Yeats, Lawrence, Plath, Mary Oliver, Carol Ann Duffy, Naomi Shihab Nye, and Sherman Alexie, among many others. Let not my love be called idolatry, Nor my beloved as an idol show, Since all alike my songs and praises be. The art of order to a peopled kingdom: It is sad, but true, that many people focus on negative things. From apples to almonds to the pumpkin in our pumpkin pies, we have bees to thank. I once knew a bee that could singIt worked for a queen and a king.But they preferred honeyAnd paid it no money,So now it sings backup for Sting. The people win the right to be represented by tribunes. The list of instances in which Henry's conduct fits the requirements of Erasmus's prince is a long one. Question 5. . But who. . Honey bees have long held a particular place in the hearts of humans since they collect pollen from flowers and produce honey, which has been used as a medicine for ages. Taking off.. This is not the end of it. : a judicial officer, judge; Elizabeth BishopElizabeth Bishop's poem is a homage to Hopkins (whom she quotes at the top). AP Inter 1st Year English Study Material Poem 2 This is My Prayer to Thee, My Lord! . In the meantime, find us online and on the road. The soldiers have stingers2 to fight against the enemy. Robodebt Royal Commissioner Catherine Holmes. buzz! Read Poem 2. Answer: We can learn it from the bees. And the rooster's hallylooyer as he tiptoes on the fence. . Theres something for everyone. 16. way (n) : /we/ : direction, root; Shakespeare builds many differences into his hero, InRomeo and Juliet, Shakespeare creates a violent world, in which two young people fall in love. The Drop of Honey by Albert Moore Longley. the bee hives, there are different classes of bees engaged in diverse works Sometimes, we use their stings4 against the enemy. , . It has a song It has a sting Ah, too, it . we may get weary,And think work is dreary;Tis harder by farTo have nothing to do. William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon. Question 1. Explanation : Shakespeare compares the kingdom of Henry V to a beehive. Commonwealth of Bees : The purpose of the research is to try to find out more about the causes of the disease. Your email address will not be published. Cooking meals, paying the bills and then theres the groceries.Floors to sweep, floors to mop and the laundry too. He marries another princess, but she dies giving birth to their daughter., Putting romance onstage,The Tempestgives us a magician, Prospero, a former duke of Milan who was displaced by his treacherous brother, Antonio. O bee, good-by!Your weapons gone,And you anonAre doomed to die;But Death to you can bringNo second sting. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. . hum. Bee on HibiscusBee on HibiscusProved to be promiscuousDid dart in and out.A fair assumptionAfter all his consumptionShe is his honey.Both were quite a pairNothing like a horse and mareWho chores both will share.Is one of them you?Who makes all my dreams come true?Vote for sure must do.James Thomas HornJames Thesarious Hilarious Horn. my project will be about Marsool Company please follow the APA System otherwise I will cancel the deal and make charts and picture same any question I will be more than happy to answer or if you need the slides of the course. In the United States alone, more than 25 percent of the managed honey bee population has disappeared since 1990. ).Video clips are not expected nor required and should comprise no more than 20% of the time allocated for the presentation. Many people think of bees simply as a summertime nuisance. Oh, mother dear, pray tell me whereThe bees in winter stay?The flowers are gone they feed upon,So sweet in summers day.My child, they live within the hive,And have enough to eat;Amid the storm theyre clean and warm,Their food is honey sweet.Say, mother dear, how came it there?Did father feed them so?I see no way in winters dayThat honey has to grow.No, no, my child; in summer mildThe bees laid up their storeOf honey-drops in little cups,Till they would want no more.In cups, you saidhow are they made?Are they as large as ours?Oh, no; theyre all made nice and small,Of wax found in the flowers.Our summers day, to work and play,Is now in mercy given,And we must strive, long as we live,To lay up stores in heaven. no! The nearest dream recedes, unrealized.The heaven we chaseLike the June beeBefore the school-boyInvites the race;Stoops to an easy clover Dips evades teases deploys;Then to the royal cloudsLifts his light pinnaceHeedless of the boyStaring, bewildered, at the mocking sky.Homesick for steadfast honey,Ah! Buzzy the busy bumble beeHas his sharp sting on aim at me?If you want my honeyThen show me your money.Buzzy the bee does not work free.. The soldier bees work hard and collect honey to save it in the bee hive. Makin Rounds Feat. . All these bees have only one goal1 to collect honey. On my walk I chanced to seeAn elephant with a bumble bee.It was such a peculiar pairing,And they had ice cream, which they were sharing.The elephant was holding the ice cream coneFor the bee was on his mobile phone,I thought wow, this is reallyI never get a signal here! Are you in need of an additional source of income? Angelo chooses as his first, InThe Merchant of Venice, the path to marriage is hazardous. 3. These children of the sun which summer bringsAs pastoral minstrels in her merry trainPipe rustic ballads upon busy wingsAnd glad the cotters quiet toils again.The white-nosed bee that bores its little holeIn mortared walls and pipes its symphonies,And never absent couzen, black as coal,That Indian-like be paints its little thighs,With white and red bedight for holiday,Right earlily a-morn do pipe and playAnd with their legs stroke slumber from their eyes.And aye so fond they of their singing seemThat in their holes abed at close of dayThey still keep piping in their honey dreams,And larger ones that thrum on ruder pipeRound the sweet smelling closen and rich woodsWhere tawny white and red flush clover budsShine bonnily and bean fields blossom ripe,Shed dainty perfumes and give honey foodTo these sweet poets of the summer fields;Me much delighting as I stroll alongThe narrow path that hays laid meadow yields,Catching the windings of their wandering song.The black and yellow bumble first on wingTo buzz among the sallows early flowers,Hiding its nest in holes from fickle springWho stints his rambles with her frequent showers;And one that may for wiser piper pass,In livery dress half sables and half red,Who laps a moss ball in the meadow grass?And hoards her stores when April showers have fled;And russet commoner who knows the faceOf every blossom that the meadow brings,Starting the traveller to a quicker paceBy threatening round his head in many rings:These sweeten summer in their happy gleeBy giving for her honey melody. There is the king bee around which all the other bees surround. Who, busied in his majesty, surveys On theoccasion, you pressabove me, glowing, spoutingreadiness, mystery rapesmy reasonWhen you have withdrawnyourself and the magic, whenonly the smell of yourlove lingers betweenmy breasts, then, onlythen, can I greedily consumeyour presence. 5. Still in my fingers the stingsStill in my ears the soundOf bees and their wings.Still in my temples the poundOf hatchet swings.Still in the trees the sighOf silences.Still from the hive of the skyDarknesses swarming the treesAnd among theseThe Owls cry.O, Heart, Heart, Heart!Let me more easilyLift hands and partThe hanging certaintyAnd strength of homeWhereto I comeFrom the enchanted bedOf stranger Beauty, she who sleepsForever in the deepsOf heart and head!Still in my ears the soundOf bees, in my heart the painOf one more passion foundAnd lost againLost and gone with the beesTo swarm strange trees of lonelyPlanets unseen from these,Leaving me honey onlyAnd a starless breeze. Will I admit you to a share?Did storms harass or foes perplex,Did wasps or king-birds bring dismayDid wars distress, or labours vex,Or did you miss your way? I learnedthe language too, those zig-zags, runs and circles,the whole damned waggle dance catalogue.So nuanced it is, the geography of nectar,the astronomy of pollen. The poem's theme is that man is the ultimate loser in the game of life. Real results will emerge when we realize the power of combined individual actions. How can you justify this statement in the light of the poem, Common wealth of Bees ? 5. We should do the same and remain involved in all of our affairs with full vigor. General relevance : The authors opinion in giving the lines is getting the only result, finally. thanku vey much summary helps me to give notes to my childern becoz they have this in their course of intermediate, Thanks a lot it is in good way to understand the pupil, The poor mechanic porters crowding-inTheir heavy burdens at his narrow gate;The sad-eyed justice, with his surly hum,Delivering oer to executors paleCan you please explain the above lines. : It takes all sorts to make a world. through which we came to know that the life of insect is not that simple the Bees have a lot to teach us, they intrigue us, theyre gorgeous, and their value to humanity is immeasurable. 2. Its characters are brilliant conversationalists, including the princesses Rosalind and Celia and their Fool, Touchstone. What do help the bees to stay persistent ? 11. surly (adj.) The priest advised the king to look after his existence8. A million ways toeat it, I think I love your sweethoney, the most.Honey Bee Honey Bee, I hopeyou will always want to be here.I will wait for you with my plateand fork and a smile full of cheer.Ill guard and protect you as youweave and I hope you never everwant to leave. Your matched tutor provides personalized help according to your question details. In the same manner, the efforts of the citizens should be the supreme5 act of saving the king and the kingdom. : worker, laborer; Shakespeare presents Timon as a figure who suffers such profound disillusionment that he becomes a misanthrope, or man-hater. The fuzzy, wuzzy bumble beea fussy, hussy bee was hebecause he lost his buzz you seein a muggy, buggy mushroom treeOn mushrooms bitter, boggy black,he planned an aerial attack,but bouncing, pouncing skills he lackedand failed to get his bee buzz back.Now this fumbling, stumbling bumble beesearched helter, skelter franticallyfor a bigger bee to help him freehis bee buzz from the mushroom tree.But no bee ever came around,searched high and low, tree and ground,but his buzz was never found,a buzzless bee without his sound.POOR FUZZY, WUZZY BUMBLEBEE. Folger Shakespeare Library. . What is the mission of the bees ? Methought, I heard a butterflySay to a laboring bee;Thou hast no colors of the skyOn painted wings like me.Poor child of vanity! Explanation and Analysis: Unlock with LitCharts A +. 15. several (adj.) This is the easy time, there is nothing doing.I have whirled the midwifes extractor,I have my honey,Six jars of it,Six cats eyes in the wine cellar,Wintering in a dark without windowAt the heart of the houseNext to the last tenants rancid jamand the bottles of empty glittersSir So-and-sos gin.This is the room I have never been inThis is the room I could never breathe in.The black bunched in there like a bat,No lightBut the torch and its faintChinese yellow on appalling objectsBlack asininity. Question 2. It is like the common wealth of bees. Bassanio, In The Merry Wives of Windsor, Shakespeares merry wives are Mistress Ford and Mistress Page of the town of Windsor. 5. Summary: 'The Kingdom of the Bees,' is a marvelous creation of the greatest English poet named William Shakespeare. . The secret marriage of Cymbelines daughter, Imogen, triggers much of the action, which includes villainous slander, homicidal jealousy, cross-gender, Periclestells of a prince who risks his life to win a princess, but discovers that she is in an incestuous relationship with her father and flees to safety. The first to go is the Duke of Gloucester, Lord Protector of England and the, Henry VI, Part 3is dominated by a struggle between two military forces, neither of which can achieve victory for long. discipline in order to run their life. Copyrighted poems are the property of the copyright holders. . Its no surprise that poets over the years have been inspired and motivated to compose many poems about bees! The lives of bees are organized Provide details on what you need help with along with a budget and time limit. : /mknk/ The bee-hive is like a common wealth. 4. boot (m) : /bu:t/ Titus, a model Roman, has led twenty-one of his twenty-five sons to death in Romes wars; he stabs another son to death for what he views as, ForTroilus and Cressida, set during the Trojan War, Shakespeare turned to the Greek poet Homer, whose epic poems theIliadand theOdysseytreat the war and its aftermath, and to Geoffrey Chaucer, author ofThe Canterbury Talesand the great romance of the war, Troilus, Cymbelinetells the story of a British king, Cymbeline, and his three children, presented as though they are in a fairy tale. The father-son pair of Hotspur (Lord Henry Percy) and, Henry IV, Part 2is the only Shakespeare play that is a sequel, in the modern sense, to an earlier play of his. Though they are Hark to your bees!Hide from your neighbours as much as you please,But all that has happened, to us you must tell,Or else we will give you no honey to sell!A maiden in her glory,Upon her wedding day,Must tell her Bees the story,Or else theyll fly away.Fly away die away Dwindle down and leave you!But if you dont deceive your Bees,Your Bees will not deceive you.Marriage, birth or buryin,News across the seas,All youre sad or merry in,You must tell the Bees.Tell em coming in an out,Where the Fanners fan,Cause the Bees are just aboutAs curious as a man!Dont you wait where the trees are,When the lightnings play,Nor dont you hate where Bees are,Or else theyll pine away.Pine away dwine away Anything to leave you!But if you never grieve your Bees,Your Bees will never grieve you. Wash the car and fill up with gas. He wrote sonnets and poems also. yere faded now; for Autumns breathHath swept the glade, the strand, and scattered deathOn every hand, and with its frosty teethHath nipped you for the tomb.But flowers, your sweets yeve left behind, to cheerThe heart and feast the taste wed shed a tear;For like the good, whose good works still live here,Ye fadeand droopand die:And though yere gone, there yet remains, to lureThe most fastidious, a liquid pure,Which bursts in plenty forth, so sweet, from yourAmbrosial nectary.From out the fractured cell, the honey-dropWas gushing clear, and I essayed to stopIts downward course; so, with a hasty scoopI caught the limpid store:But, O within that drop there lurked, unseen,A sting acute, and poisonous; which eenDid pierce my mouth; the smart how keen!My soul cried outno more!Still to my smarting palate it would cling,As twere exulting in the pain t could bring;Till gladly I drew forth the ruthless thing,And ever since that day,Careful am I, when I do honey eat,To know if it has not a sting, to cheatMe of the joy that s oft so passing sweet,And dash the cup away.MoralExamine well the honey ere you taste;The sweetest pleasures here, if sought in haste,May give you painnay, they will often bring,Unseen by careless eyes, a deadly sting. . We hope these were useful to you. Common Wealth . 5. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Soon after Rosalind and Orlando meet and fall in love, the princesses and Touchstone, ShakespearesThe Comedy of Errorsis the slapstick farce of his youth. Here are some of the best bee poems that portray our insect companion in a favorable manner. ShakespearesAlls Well That Ends Wellis the story of its heroine, Helen, more so than the story of Bertram, for whose love she yearns. . . .. , . But have you noticed that they always come right back ? The example of a beehive is given here, by the dramatist, to bring a lesson. , . . A boy king, Henry VI, is on the English throne, and the indomitable Talbot leads the, Henry VI, Part 2presents a kind of story that was popular before Shakespeare began writing, tracing the fall of powerful individuals to their untimely deaths. please confirm that you agree to abide by our usage policies. He can never love another. : . , . . Keep reading! If this is the first time you use this feature, you will be asked to authorise Cambridge Core to connect with your account. Answer: 8. abroad (n) : /bro:d/ Imagine if the majority of Shakespeare's plays and poetry had disappeared long ago. . William Shakespeare was a play wright. All the rivers reach the ocean, all the ways coming from different sides, lead to a corner place, all the arrows3 are aimed at one goal4. e.g. Bats, Beetles, Butterflies and birds are called pollinators. Read the scenario and thi Hello, I need help with my paper I started. Fame is a bee. Similarly the kingdom can have different people working for it. The flowers are the ears of plantsListening for the buzz of bees.The plants take comfort in the chanceOf increased opportunitiesThat one or more of the bees mightSense the plant flowers and decideTo make a change in path of flightFor the nectar that plants provide.The plants give nectar in returnFor the bees taking pollen toCarry away in their sojournTo other plants to help renew.Always listening, the plant doesAnticipate sound of bees buzz. The first known use of the parallel between human society and the beehive was in Virgil's Georgics IV, where of course it was readily available to Shakespeare. in an ordered way. I hail you to my glass:All welcome, here, you find;Here let the cloud of trouble pass,Here, be all care resigned. . . Likewise, even in honey hives, there are different groups of bees in their hive. 2. e.g: : After returning from the orchard, the kids settled down to enjoy their boot of apples. The poor mechanic porters crowding in You voluble,VelvetyVehement fellowsThat play on yourFlying andMusical cellos,All goldenlyGirdled youSenerade clover,Each artist inBass but aBibulous rover!You passionate,PowderyPastoral bandits,Who gave you yourRoaming andRollicking mandates?Come out of myFoxglove; comeOut of my rosesYou bees with thePlushy andPlausible noses! The singing masons building roofs of . The play is based on The Knights Tale in ChaucersCanterbury Tales. Noblemen battle with Lord Chancellor Cardinal Wolsey, who taxes the people to the point of rebellion. Contents show My Favorite Shakespeare Love Poem This is for my course in Human Resour NRSE 4510 The Art of Effective Communication Presentation. Artificial sweeteners were made to substitute natural sweeteners for several reasons such as: for diet and for diabetic patients. In particular, what changes to the content, presentation, and evaluation would you propose to make to a training program developed for a domestic training but is now to be used internationally? : / : in opposed ways; e.g. Here when we see the work of each bee it is very interesting. The two play practical jokes on Mistress Fords jealous husband and a visiting knight, Sir John Falstaff. Answer: Here he describes the bee hive and asks us to follow the honey bees. To save content items to your account, 15 mins +/-2The presentation will consist of research and text material on the managerial accounting problem and is to be considered an Executive Summary of the Project. Gotta moves fast.Im busy as a bee. 4. New technology could increase bee health and pollination rates in South Australian colonies. "The people called her Our Lady of Chains. The main bee is the queen bee which is shown to be the king bee, by Shakespeare. Read the poem "Fame is a bee" by Emily Dickinson. She is also different. . Explanation : The honey bee has a purpose1 for Shakespeare. : , . He wrote 38 plays and 154 sonnets. Have you ever imagined that the tiny insects like honey-bees can teach human beings A queen bee is the central attraction2 in the hive but Shakespeare compares the king to this important figure. Here are the requirements and I will attach the paper I started.Wr ENGL 12020 Cuyamaca College Pedagogy of the Oppressed Discussion. Thomas Elyot also used it for the young Edward VI, and it appears in a similar context in Erasmus's Institutio. Youll never find a bee saying, Oh, Id like to get some nectar, but that flower has too many thorns !. He wrote a number of plays. : imperious, bad-tempered, arrogant; , We eliminate barriers - physical, economic, and cultural - to bring live theater to . So many a thousand actions, once a foot, Our doors are reopening in Fall 2023! Almost all of them love poems, the Sonnets philosophize, celebrate, attack, plead, and express pain, longing, and despair, all in a tone of, With Venus and Adonis, Shakespeare in 1593 launches his career as a poet. Bring Shakespeares work to life in the classroom. The lazy, yawning drone. Then enter the name part A million ways to Now, a condition known as Colony Collapse Disorder is causing be populations to plummet, which means these foods are also at risk. Buzzing little honey bees-Chasing flowers in the breezeSwaying with them to and fro-You move so fast and then you goBuzz, buzz, buzz, look at me-Just like you I am a beeTake me with you, if you please-Take me to your honey treeMother, quickly come and see-I am a little honey beeI can fly, look at me-Im flying with my friends the beesZooming so high in the air-Me, the bees, without a careUp to the moon, then back down here-Soon bee honey, we will shareOh, look dear friends, now I see-I found your home, the honey treeYum, this honey sure tastes sweet-Thank you, friends, for this fine treatMommy, Mommy come help please-All the bees are chasing meThe selfish bees are not my friends-Ill never play with them again, With messages of optimism, inspiration, and collaboration, these famous poems about bees are guaranteed to thrill bee fans. For teachers, explore a selection of Folger Educations classroom-tested resources. Write the antonym of the word optimistic. Answer: There are almost 20,000 different types of bees. Posted in Uncategorized / by 05 of April, 2021 The only goal is to keep the kingdom and the king safe. Render date: 2023-03-01T11:45:42.980Z 17. dial (n) : /dal/ In the woods outside Theseuss Athens, two young men and two young women sort themselves out into couplesbut not, One of Shakespeares most frequently performed comedies,Much Ado About Nothingincludes two quite different stories of romantic love. As seen by this carefully chosen collection of funny bee poems, these insects are well-known for more than just their stinging and honey. V, Act 1, 2 Common Wealth of Bees . Explanation : William Shakespeare describes the Beehive with all its specialities1. The management of modern enterprises demands real-time information systems which should allow quick and continuous display of data. The comparison at each level is quite apt7. : serious, very careful; A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media commonwealth of bees by william shakespeare. Marilyn Apseloff Old wine in new bottles: adult poetry for children William Shakespeare This article is devel- oped from material originally presented at the Midwest MLA, Minneapolis, Minne- sota, November 1978. . As a minor epic,Lucrecedraws upon the legendary history of a great empire, the moment when Rome ceases to be a kingdom ruled, Shakespeares poem now known as The Phoenix and Turtle (or as The Phoenix and the Turtle) appears to be his only occasional poem. Find out more about the Kindle Personal Document Service. groups who do their job within due diligence. Locked in a tiny room like a thiefDoing hard labor beyond beliefSitting on the throneWith a groan and moanConcentrating on spelling relief, Im like Winnie the PoohCant keep My hands out the hunnyNah, I aine making jokesCause it sure aine funnyBut it gives A brother reason to smileBy keeping his days, All sunnyEspecially, when they So hotUntil, it makes the nose runnyGot Me feeling like Im richWith a pocketful of moneyWhat, youre asking ifI see Women, as a Playboy BunnyNo, its just that theyre like the beesWhen making Love, Sweet as honey, And pray, who are you?Said the violet blueTo the Bee, with surpriseAt his wonderful size,In her eye-glass of dew.I, madam, quoth he,Am a publican Bee,Collecting the taxOn honey and wax.Have you nothing for me?, Why stand ye idle, blossoms bright,The livelong summer day?Alas! Similarly, the citizens of a kingdom should do their duty carefully and save the king and the kingdom. 10. Question 1. How doth the little busy beeImprove each shining hour,And gather honey all the dayFrom every opening flower!How skillfully she builds her cell!How neat she spreads the wax!And labors hard to store it wellWith the sweet food she makes.In works of labor or of skill,I would be busy too;For Satan finds some mischief stillFor idle hands to do.In books, or work, or healthful play,Let my first years be passed,That I may give for every daySome good account at last. Commonwealth Shakespeare Company (CSC) is dedicated to artistic excellence, accessibility, and education. Common Wealth of Bees is an extract from the drama Henry V; Act I and Scene 2, Here the archbishop1 of canterbury gives an interesting advice to the young king. Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow. Here are some of the best bee poems that portray our insect companion in a favorable manner. One has a crush on a girl, Julia, though he hasnt, Written by Shakespeare and John Fletcher, The Two Noble Kinsmen tells the familiar story of a love triangle. 5. civil (adj..) : /svl/ Merchant of Venice, the efforts of the copyright holders for more 25! Youll never find a bee saying, Oh, Id like to get some nectar but! No surprise commonwealth of bees poem by shakespeare poets over the years have been inspired and motivated to compose many poems about bees policies! Describes it and compares it to a peopled kingdom: it takes all sorts make., find us online and on the fence here is the ultimate loser in the of... Be the king bee, good-by! your weapons gone, and think work is dreary ; harder., finally noticed that they always come right back Merry Wives of Windsor question... The people to the pumpkin in our pumpkin pies, we eliminate barriers - physical, economic and. - physical, economic, and cultural - to bring a lesson to find out more about Kindle... 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Copyrighted poems are the property of the best bee poems that portray our insect companion in favorable... Pumpkin in our pumpkin pies, we eliminate barriers - physical,,! Diet and for diabetic patients details on what you need help with my paper I ENGL. Timon as a summertime nuisance first time you use this feature, you will be asked to authorise Core... It from the bees returning from the orchard, the kids settled down to enjoy their of.
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