V146 (1939-). On the 27th two merchant vessels were detached for New York. The legendary Bibb was named for U.S. Secretary of the Treasury (July 4, 1844 - March 7, 1845) George M. Bibb. A former officer on board, made history after a wolf pack attacked the eastbound convoy SC-118. The search was discontinued. The vessel's power was 410 kW (550 hp) and it had a speed of 11 kn (20 km/h; 13 mph). Next day six merchant vessels detached for Casablanca while eight joined. The same could be said of the other Secretary Class cutters, their officers, and their crews. On 14 May Bibb was en route to Iceland as the flagship of Task Unit 24.6.2 with the USS Leary (DD-158) and USS Badger (DD-126). 1937: 12 officers, 4 warrants, 107 enlisted; was under the command of Commander Roy L. Raney during the convoy battles to come. FS's: The Little Ships That Could: A History of the Campaigns in the Pacific and the Personal Experiences of the Author on the U.S. Army FS-268. In the winter of 1939 she was part of the Grand Banks Patrol. The following morning the seas had abated somewhat and Cronk ordered a rescue attempt with his personal gig. At 0250 on the 7th she sighted four star shells in the vicinity of the convoy and a vessel was reported torpedoed. and her members who help to keep these memories alive. The USCGC Bibb (WPG-31) was a 327-foot (100m) Secretary-Class (also known as "Treasury Class") Coast Guard ship commissioned in 1936. Aircraft: Curtiss SOC-4, USCG No. Bibb saw service in World War II. The Bibb was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for her participation in "Operation Sea Lords" from October to December 1968. On the 16th she got underway in the van of a number of Navy craft who stood out of Buckner Bay and proceeded independently in accordance with the typhoon plan. Once the conversion was completed she was again classified as WPG-31. The Bibb located Collis P. Huntington and led her safely to anchorage at Reykjavik. The Bibb then discovered the motor vessel Mary J, disabled and drifting between South Caicos Island and Haiti. The rescue demonstrated the utility and importance of the ocean station program and historian Robert E. Johnson noted that "The Bermuda Sky Queen incident must rank with the Coast Guard's outstanding rescue feats.". They went on to serve as amphibious task force flagships, as search-and-rescue (SAR) ships during the Korean War, on weather patrol, and as naval gunfire support ships during Vietnam. It was a clear night with a bright, full moon which made visibility very good. On January 6th she left Port of Spain, Trinidad, escorting U. S. Army Transport S-17 to San Juan. On the same day two vessels broke off for Europe Point and the convoy was joined by the Gibraltar section. Electronics:HF/DF: (1943)Radar: (1945) SK, SG-1; (1966) AN/SPS-29D, AN/SPA-52.Fire Control Radar: (1945) Mk-26; (1966) Mk-26 MOD 4Sonar: (1945) QC series; (1966) SQS-11. Also, during the mid-1930s, narcotics smuggling, mostly opium, was on the increase, and long-legged, fairly fast cutters were needed to curtail it. During May-June 1949 she served on Ocean Station Able. On the 27th Bibb departed for Boston and moored at the South Boston Navy Yard on the 28th. Watson was an Engineering Officer/Student Engineer (1978-1980).[1][2]. The cutter, Sunk as an artificial reef off the Florida Keys on 28 November 1987, 2 x Westinghouse double-reduction geared turbines; 2 x Babcock & Wilcox sectional express, air-encased, 400 psi, 200 superheat. The final 327-foot design was based on the Erie-class Navy gunboats; the machinery plant and hull below the waterline were identical. Quartermaster Third Class Bill Batson, of Quincy, Massachusetts, reported: "We arrived on scene late in the afternoon of 1 November. Departing for Palau on the 5th her destination was changed for Ulithi Islands on the 9th and she arrived there next day. Next day the Bibb fired her starboard thrower in an embarrassing attack on what was probably a non-submarine. At 0900 Bibb received word that Ingham had the missing ships in company. On the 27th friendly aircraft were sighted screening the convoy. Leaving Trinidad on 20 December, escorting convoy TAG-104, Bibb arrived at Guantanamo Bay on the 25th. The legendary Bibb was named for U.S. Secretary of the Treasury (July 4, 1844 - March 7, 1845) George M. Bibb. USCGC Bibb (WHEC-31) - Steel Hip Flask - WI3. USS Bibb, CG (WAGC-31); U.S.C.G.C. In January 1945 Bibb left Charleston, South Carolina for service in the Pacific theater where, as an AGC, she served temporarily as the flagship for Commander, Mine Craft, Pacific Fleet. Bibb,1955. Residing at Frankfort, he turned his attention back to law and state politics. The occupants of the lifeboats were in excellent condition when brought aboard. The pulling boat successfully rescued the remaining passengers and crew and the captain's gig finally got its engine going again and both boats were then brought back aboard Bibb. She participated in refresher training under the Fleet Training Group at Guantanamo Bay every two years to maintain her military readiness. The passengers panicked and leapt overboard. The contact was evaluated as probably non-submarine. The USCGC Bibb(WPG-31)was a 327-foot (100 m)Secretary-Class (also known as "Treasury Class") Coast Guard ship commissioned in 1936. The New York section, with the commander Task Force 60 in, On 4 June 1944, CDR H. T. Diehl, USCG, relieved CDR C .A. Seven similar "combat cutters" were built and named for secretaries of the United States Treasury. At 1521 she relieved HMS Fleetwood as Task Force Commander. The next day she sighted the bow of the tanker and left it in sinking condition also. On the 9th the Casablanca section, escorted by two destroyers, joined the main convoy. On the 22nd the Norfolk section of the convoy was detached, escorted by four destroyer escorts, and a little later the Delaware section left under escort of two destroyer escorts. George M. Bibb (WPG-31), a twin-screw, steel-hulled Coast Guard cutter, was laid down on 15 August 1935 by the Charleston (S.C.) Navy Yard; launched on 14 January 1936; sponsored by Mrs. Byron. x "K" gun depth charge projectors; 2 x depth charge racks. Aircraft: Curtiss SOC-4, USCG No. After flying beyond Bibb, the pilot of the flying boat, Captain Charles M. Martin, decided to return to the cutter to attempt an emergency landing because unexpectedly strong head winds had caused the aircraft to consume too much fuel for them to make landfall safely. She received credit for the destruction of one Japanese aircraft. All escorts were given permission to open fire at will on unidentified aircraft. She sailed to Ocean Station Charlie again in April of 1960 and in June and July of 1960 she served on Ocean Station Echo. Bibb was underway on 9 November 1942 screening the right flank of a west bound convoy of eight ships. V146 (1939-). On the 13th she stood down the Norfolk swept channel and than reversed courses and stood up to the Naval Operating Bases for imperative repairs. Later she returned to the wreck and left it in a sinking condition from gun fire and depth charges. Many had edema of the hands, which resulted, it is believed, from the tight fit these rubber suits have about the wrist. The search was unsuccessful but the cutter depth-charged another submarine contact. Oil was still rising in the area. Four hours later Orbis was underway to rejoin. That operation involved several different agencies including the Coast Guard, the Navy, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and others. This photo provides a good view of her forward 5-inch 51-caliber main batterythe one in the foreground, mounted on the main deck, was removed and replaced with a 3-inch 50 caliber dual-purpose battery. Early on the 30th and again on the 6th of May Bibb fired on enemy aircraft. Leaving Trinidad on 20 December, escorting convoy TAG-104, On the 20th a Liberator was sighted screening the convoy. These had only recently been implemented on a suggestion by then CDR Edward H. "Iceberg" Smith, LCDR George B. Gelly, and a more influential suggestion by President Franklin Roosevelt. Thirty-two preliminary designs of a modified Erie-class gunboat were drawn up before one was finally selected. It had one 6 cylinder Ruston Stafford 6 CSRKM 4 Stoke diesel engine with a single shaft and one screw. After conversion to an AGC, done in the Charleston Navy Yard between 17 October 1944 and 29 January 1945. She was commissioned on 10 March 1937. Standing down New York Harbor on 8 July 1943, in company with Task Force 63, consisting of four Navy destroyers, Bibb reported at Buoy 'BW' and the force stood out to sea on the 9th, covering a section of convoy UGS-12 to Norfolk. On 1 March 1943, Bibb was underway to join convoy HX-227, which she did at 1625. Bibb was named for U.S. Secretary of the Treasury George M. Bibb. The next day she had a sound contact and carried out an embarrassing attack, dropping two depth charges. Three merchant ships joined the convoy on the 3rd and four were detached for Casablanca; three more joined on the 7th. These men had been some 60 hours in rough seas in an open boat and on rafts and their condition was much better than would be expected. On several occasions she was praised for her gunfire support. Call Sokolove Law right now at (800) 647-3434 if you've been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease. Shortly afterwards, star shells, denoting a submarine attack, appeared in the same area. Soon after, a streak of heavy oil, 30 yards long, was sighted. George Mortimer Bibb, born on 30 October 1776 in Prince Edward County, Va., graduated from both Hampden-Sidney and Willian and Mary Colleges and then, after studying law in the office of Richard Venable, was admitted to the Virginia Bar. On the 12th four merchant vessels were detached for Bone, Algeria, while three merchant vessels from that port joined. This page is for the crew of the USCGC Taney 3 Bells: Copies from publications related to the Taney. On the 2nd they were en route to Raufarhofn, where Nova discharged and loaded passengers. On the 13th Bogue reported an attack by her aircraft four miles astern of the convoy and two destroyers were detached to assist the plane, who rejoined later reporting negative results. On the 15th a destroyer escort fired across the bow of a fishing boat to keep it clear of the convoy after the fisherman had refused to follow orders. Bibb was decommissioned in 1985 and remained docked until it was transported to the Florida Keys for use as an artificial reef. The next year, in June-July, she served on Ocean Station How and in July of 1950 she and her sister Treasury-class cutters had Mark 10 projectors installed. There she served as the flagship for Commander, Mine Craft, Pacific Fleet. 1936:3 x 5"/51 (single); 2 x 6-pounders. The plane received several visible hits on the left wing, close to the fuselage at the peak of the dive and began trailing black smoke, crashing into the water near the Kenneth Whiting. The rafts were of the doughnut type and, due to the height of the sea, it was rarely possible to see more than two or three rafts at a time. The Bibb , with Ingham , departed Boston on 8 September 1943, for area "R" off Block Island Sound for anti-submarine warfare practice, which consisted of simulated depth charging and head throw weapon runs on a submerged U.S. submarine and also acted as target for PT boats in combined destroyer and PTB exercises. The Bibb's gun fired one round at the target when it was dead astern but did not fire again because the crew had lost sight of the target. Eight hours later she dropped one embarrassing charge on a contact believed to be using "pillenwerfer" tactics, whereby a U-boat uses an underwater decoy to enable the submarine to escape. With these modifications, she was well suited to assume the additional tasks to be performed on weather patrols as well as routing search and rescue work. Contents 1 History The Bibb changed course to join convoy HX-227. Anderson, USCG, as commanding officer of Bibb. In another significant action on 13 September 1968 Bibb fired on an enemy supply route in Khanh Lam Province. On 23 of May 1983 Bibb seized a fishing vessel 50 miles southeast of Cape Cod for fisheries violations. Bibb Cutter File, US Coast Guard Historian's Office. He moved to Lexington, Ky., in 1798 and soon achieved a position of distinction and leadership there, in politics and in his profession. The next day, the 11th, Bibb sighted a ship on the horizon and proceeded toward it. Bibb departed Brooklyn for Casco Bay, Maine, on 3 April and on the 5th began exercises which continued through the 7th. By the 28th the ships were widely scattered and seldom in contact with each other. On the 11th she stood down the Block Island swept channel for Norfolk and moored at the Naval Operating Base on the 12th. On the 30th she departed Boston for Casco Bay, Maine. It was 61.33 m (201.2 ft) long, with a beam of 7.93 m (26.0 ft). Many of them were suffering from exposure and edema, but after treatment almost all recovered. depth charge on a doubtful sound contact, a school of stunned fish appeared on the surface. In February-March 1959 she served on Ocean Station Charlie, and served there again in July 1959. Share. One convoyed vessel detached for Horta, Azores on the 20th and two joined. Task Force 66 relieved course and began standing up the Straits of Gibraltar and on the 3rd entered Casablanca Harbor. Next day she sighted a merchant ship on the horizon and challenged her by blinker. The Bibb proceeded to the area and heard faint propeller beats but was unable to obtain a sound contact. The ship was sunk in November 1987 just outside the coral reef tract, about six miles (10km) offshore of the island of Key Largo. As raft after raft were brought alongside Bibb, it became necessary to leave dead bodies on the rafts, there being no time for the dead, when the living were clamoring to be saved. The healthy sheer forward and the high slope in the deck in the wardrooms was known as the "Hunnewell Hump." Notable events involving Bibb include: 7 Feb 1943 USCGC Bibb picks up 202 survivors from the American troop transport Henry R. Mallory and 33 survivors from the Greek merchant Kalliopi that were torpedoed and sunk by German U-boat U-402 in convoy SC-118 about 600 nautical miles south-southwest of Iceland. He was born on 30 October 1776 in Prince Edward County, Virginia. It was a combination ocean station patrol and search and rescue operation that brought Bibb and her crew international recognition when, while operating on Ocean Station Charlie on 14 October 1947, the transoceanic airliner Bermuda Sky Queen was forced to make a landing during a gale with high winds and in rough seas when the flying boat ran low on fuel. Eight merchant vessels were detached for Gibraltar on the 15th. On the 9th Roselys sank a floating mine and later dropped one charge on a doubtful contact. Many had edema of the hands, which resulted, it is believed, from the tight fit these rubber suits have about the wrist. In September of 1948 Bibb steamed at full speed into forty foot seas to save 40 men and a dog from the sinking Portuguese fishing schooner Gaspar some 300 miles off Newfoundland. An hour later there were numerous red flares and shortly afterwards a lifeboat and raft ware sighted. That afternoon Bibb attacked a sound contact with a full nine-charge pattern and some heavy oil and light bits of debris resulted. All were experienced seamen who were prepared to carry the war directly to the U-boats although their training in fighting submarines was scarce to non-existent. Investigating a radar contact astern on the 26th it was found to be the USS SC-689 which had separated from the company during the night. After conversion to an AGC, done in the Charleston Navy Yard between 17 October 1944 and 29 January 1945, Bibb was assigned to duty in the Pacific. First Class Hospitalman James Jones of South Portsmouth, Kentucky, added: "After the fighting we treated one of the South Vietnamese soldiers for wounds in the right arm and leg. This page was last edited on 2 January 2023, at 19:17. Seven similar "combat cutters" were built and named for secretaries of the United States Treasury. On the 17th Bibb was patrolling the southeast entrance to Vieques Sound, being relieved by submarine chasers and then escorted the French aircraft carrier Bearn departing San Juan on the 27th. On 27 February 1952 Bibb sustained minor damage when a Navy tug collided with her while maneuvering in Narragansett Bay. A few minutes later another raft was sighted dead ahead and two survivors of SS Bonneville were taken aboard. From 5 to 27 December of 1975 she served on Ocean Station Hotel. The Mallory had been torpedoed at 0600. The U.S. Coast Guard cutter George M. Bibb (Builder's No. ALCOAST 090/18: Medical Documentation of Asbestos and Lead Exposures on Coast Guard Cutters Update; ALCOAST 364/17: Medical Documentation of Asbestos and Lead Exposures on Coast Guard Cutters; SF180: Request Pertaining to Military Records; Coast Guard Cutters Constructed Prior to 1991 and In Service from 1990 to 2017; Information for CG Veterans/Retirees Filing for VA Disability Compensation . And shortly afterwards a lifeboat and raft ware sighted known as the flagship for Commander, Craft! M ( 26.0 ft ) long, with a bright, full moon made... Force 66 relieved course and began standing up the Straits of Gibraltar and on the 9th Roselys a! Her while maneuvering in Narragansett Bay, Virginia convoy and a vessel was reported torpedoed moon which visibility. Training Group at Guantanamo Bay every two years to maintain her military readiness afterwards, star shells in the area. 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Stubblefield Funeral Home Morristown, Tn Obituaries, Articles U