Richtofen: Alas, it seems the capsule containing our beloved Dempsey is on board that rocket, bound for the moon Dempsey: We gotta figure out a way to get eh.. Me, back down. Said when the player attempts to use a Wundersphere without an activated landing pad.Landing pad activation required. Your continued defiance, is an exercise in futility, that will result only in your own demise!After the rocket crash lands into the Upper Courtyard. I hear a Crystal rising. Do you believe this is possible? You can have all the Kronoriums you want when-- When we get back to the lab. - Get hit by a crawling zombie, "IT'S TEARING MY SHINS! You are my best friend! Lusitania, British ocean liner, the sinking of which by a German U-boat on May 7, 1915, contributed indirectly to the entry of the United States into World War I. -Upon lowering the secret wall in the Laboratory. Electrocution really isn't humane not that I MIND!When killing zombies with the Storm Bow. Trust me! Mein Gott! -When the Panzersoldat spawns near him. Dempsey: So, Richtofen, where is he? I'LL CONTROL THEM ALL! There was really nothing we could do- When killing/knifing zombies, The operation was a failure. - Get an SMG, "I feel ze blood in my eyes!" "Ah yeah, my clients of darkness will die with great PAIN!!!" Pretty much the only free Soundboard of Richtofen out there, so you better enjoy it. I learned long ago that sometimes, only the cursed survive -When pack a punching, When I died, I felt nothing. -When eating a gobblegum, I think they are slightly softer hmm definitely. Hmm, unusual flavor can't quite put my finger on it oh, yeah. ", "Hello, Dempshey Ah, it's just a portrait AN UGLY ONE!" -Upon getting a sniper rifle from the mystery box. I failed." I think that took off one of my eyebrows!Said after picking up a Nuke power up. - Get 3 kills w/ 1 shot, "OH JOY! - Use the Thundergun/Zeus Cannon, "RATATATATAA, RATATATAA! This is Eagle's Nest, over.After hearing Groph for the first time. (When the box gets a teddy bear) BOX, I hate you. ( After he switches souls with Samantha) "I WIN! The inside of your head is delicious! ", (After grabbing a Double Points power-up) "Double Points! ", (When knocked down) "No I'm not ready for Hell. To return to my family. We won't know for sure until the autopsy -When killing/knifing zombies, Next patient. ", "The wretched screams of the dead fill my heart with joooyy! NEIN! I'm observing your current actions. ", (Unkown) "Perhaps I shall dip ze tip in faecal matter. ", "NoNO! Nikolai: Takeo, what has the German told you of his plans? "GAH! The capsule containing his body now ascends high above the Earth itself.Said at the end of round 1. If only your judgement were not so clouded. Here we're playing as Samantha, one of two characters from the original (WaW-Bo4) Aether timeline in Cold War, the second being the inevitable appearance of Eddie. I strongly suggest you stop pursuing this foolish and dangerous endeavor!After opening his safe and retrieving the items from it. -When digging dig site that have grenade, Im so sorry, I really dont have time to explain. Richtofen: Time has a way of asserting its will, Dempsey. Well, thanks for the re-up!Said after picking up a Max Ammo power-up. - Use the Gersh Device on multiple zombies. (After killing a Zombie with a knife) "OHH! Takeo: It would appear that the object of our mission is already beyond our reach. Watch the blood spurt. Such German ingenuity!" CLEARLY I NEED 4 -Unknown, possibly when rebuilding barriers, I like my eggs like how I like mein brain. -Upon running out of ammo, "Nicht gute.. Vhere is ze ammo?!" - Activate the Hidden Song (Find All Pieces), "IT TICKLES! Said after the player fails the naming step in the Demon Gate upgrade.That is NOT my name. Hell-bent on advancing the German war machine: "Der Eisendrache". Nikolai: I'm guessing the huge fiery rocket launch means we are already too late. (Low laughing then he starts coughing then finishes laughing), Now that you are done I'll be taking that. Even the destruction of this facility, and my own death, will not prevent the advancement of our cause. -When obtaining Lil Arnies from the Mystery Box, DO YOU FEEL HIS TENTACLES?! Scrambled! Zey so ugly" - HellHound Round (rare), "OH! Richtofen is the only reason to play any COD game. IT TICKLES, I KNEW IT! The MPD is under threat! So filzhy.. You should never have tried to steal the plans for the MTD! YES!" What is it you really want? That monkey was practically FAMILY to him!" The ghosts of Alcatraz have bought us the time! Und your little girl is going to be next! I'm not!When killing zombies with the Storm Bow. There's something satisfying about putting holes in the heads of your enemiesGetting a weapon from the Mystery Box. HAHAHA! -Rebuilding a barrier, "Insta Kill, brings back memories" - Ultimus Richtofen, You could send us somewhere else. ", (After being hit by a Zombie Monkey) "Is he trying to communica-Ohh no they've having sex *Unzippes Pants"", (As a matryoshka doll talking to Rictofen)"Hehehe, stop tickling me! @bhijitdesire. With this, the doctor can go for a very long time, does that turn you on? Its not always fun being like this -When getting a headshot, So you're not the one I uh.. *ahem* borrowed the summoning key from are you? SCHTABBING! ", (After killing a Zombie with an explosive weapon) "Oahhh ze body vundabah! Mach schnell! - At maxis' office, "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ZE DOCTOR!" Dempsey: Call me crazy, but I'm starting to think Richtofen may actually know how we get out of all this. - Get a Automatic Rifle, "An autopsy is more easily performed with a shotgun" - Buy a shotgun, "A found a piece of ze meteor!" Eagle's Nest, this is Griffin Station, we have an update, over.Said at the beginning of round 5 or 6 (depending on if the Hellhounds comes in round 5 or 6). You've done well, my friend. Call of Duty: Black Ops IV (2018 Video Game) Edward Richtofen. Richtofen: Yes. You want mein blood? The answer is yes, Dempsey! Not much to say. Dr. Groph has damaged the MPD. I let my knife do the talking!Said after knife-killing a zombie that recently hit him. BRING IT ON! Maybe this'll help me cool down a little.After drinking a Perk-a-Cola. A reference to one of his past quotes.Small explosion, small success. TWO Germans? The Keeper, it has somehow been corrupted on its return to Earth. Richtofen Quotes (MISC) Looking for the Roblox ID for Richtofen Quotes (MISC)? Feast little ones, FEAST!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! The fourth stanza has the same feeling as the third, with the starting line of the stanza being " you beat time on my head"(4). DELICIOUS!" - Kill Nova Crawler at close range (Super Rare), "I get paid double for my efforts!" Roethke also use . The way he talks to the characters and just his voice lines, they're not Richtofen I think that "Richtofen" is actually someone else and we know of two characters in the Aether storyline that can present themselves as anything or whoever they want. Dempsey: I can't deny that he knows a lot of stuff. I will proceed with Operation Shield, and join you shortly.After Groph says the MPD is awaiting a conduit. Unless he asks. -Quote Activation is unknown, "Hey Dempsey! STAG. What have you done?! Dempsey- I know that I have not always been easy to follow, but I would like to tell you that you are a good man. SECTION 6: Sinking of the Lusitania 1. ", (When knocked down) "No. But not before we continue the game!" I'm constantly delighted by vhat i find in zhem! Download Richtofen Face. Number three. Richtofen: In my possession is the most powerful artifact in this or any universe. Now you can fit into a gumball machine and I can have a piece of you for a quarter WHO HAS A QUARTER?!!? ", (After turning on the power) "The beautiful creatures fall from the sky." Edward Richtofen/Quotes < Edward Richtofen. I must find a means to return the capsule to the earth, only then can the necessary steps be taken to secure the future.Said at the beginning of round 2. - Kill Zombies, "Unt fire-breathing shotgun? GRIFFIN. Nein! richtofen voice lines. - Buy the CZ-75 Dual Wield, "A force of nature at my fingertips!" Real bad!Said when knifing zombies. It's ALWAYS zhe first priority! - Get the Nuke power up, "More time to play vith my pretty ones!" - Find the second piece, "I FOUND ZE LAST PIECE!" I probably shouldn't have drank that on an empty stomach.When drinking a Perk-a-Cola. "- when he shoots off a zombie's limb, " I cannot torture my minions without power. 7 cod richtofen. And your mouth" - Killing Zombies with Dempsey, "Samantha, didn't ve talk about zhis?" "(repetitively clapping sounds occur), "*Coughing* Excuse me, just getting used to the Aether. ", (Being Revived) "Ah, Danke." And I thought the Teleporter made my stomach turn.After landing from a Wundersphere. I'm a doctor. THE ONE WHO DID ALL THE HARD WORK! Copyright 1995-2023 Newgrounds, Inc. All rights reserved. Reference to Shadows of Evil ending cutscene, REMEMBER ME! Teleportation successful.After being teleported to the Rocket Pad. - Beginning of HellHound Round, "Oh, my poor little accidents STAY AVAY!" Nikolai: Our travels across worlds, they used to make me nautious. I have no honor (out of ammo), Look out for the short zombie! - Getting a teddy bear, Oh ja you moved the box FOR THE LAST TIME!!! He's surrounded! The inside of your head is delicious! I hope I've remembered to cross the I's and dot the T's -When pack a punching, They all believe me don't they? - When killing a nova crawler, Power, power, power, power! Search deep inside yourself Takeo, tell me what you want. In response to Richtofen's observance of Dempsey 1.0's status.I fuckin' hope so. A toast a toast to success.When drinking a Perk-a-Cola. Edward Richtofen Voice. -Attacked by a zombie, "Your hands.. (Girly voice) Just like mee!" (When a Zombie Monkey round starts) "Nein! - Bathroom area (Does not know the activation), "Zis van didn't turn out so vell" - Blank Photo (use Square, hold down), "Ah good, I have a apple to peel, an Adam's Apple!!! Il mesure 1,85 m. LET'S DANCE!Said after picking up an Insta-Kill power up. But at what price for my soul?Said after obtaining the Void Bow. (turning on the power), I found another rock. Nikolai: I am beginning to think you're not the Richtofen I once knew. - Out of ammo, "GET OFF MY LEG CHILD!!" YES, EXPLODE!" I von't go into detail..", "You'd be amazed by zhe depths of zhe pockets in zhis uniform. WUNDERBAR!!!" Nikolai: Recovering the capsule will not be easy. You're cruisin' for a bruisin'!Said after killing a zombie up close. Attack Dempshey, not ze Doctor!" The power! SUCH JOY!" "Thank you, dark one!" "I have two guns now! Eight. Guten tag little bird? On February 26, 2012, Trayvon Martin, an African American teen walking home from a trip to a convenience store, is fatally shot by George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer patrolling the townhouse community of the Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, Florida. Dempsey? (or) "OH THE POOR 'PUPPIES!!!" Oh! - Make a crawling zombie, "IT'S STILL ALIVE!!!" Well, I'm gonna have that jingle stuck in my head all day.After drinking a Perk-a-Cola. Thisis not really uplifting storySaid after activating the final painting for the Wolf Bow. So many ways to make my stomach hate me -When eating a gobblegum, " *Gargled and distorted very silly like* IT'S STUCK IN MY THROAT- *Croaks and gasps* Oh, I feel like a cat with a hairball. - Get an explosive weapon (LAW rocket, China Lake), "A crossbow vith a explosive round? Ammunition, Dummkopf! ", "It look's like a Max ammo but I can't be sure, I can only see everything at the same time. What is next? I will not allow you to succeed! Ain't a problem this can't solve.Said after picking up a Death Machine power up. ", "That GIFT was just for YOU, And you throw it away! HORN. Nikolai: I do not understand this American slang, but it had better not be what I think it is. (During the game over segment while Richtofen has the stone) Excellent, It is all coming together now. 7 richtofen buried. Once I thought those fools to dare change history. !When killing zombies with the Ragnarok DG-4. "Tiny little organ parts for everybody!!!" The documents were captured but Allied intelligence doubted that they were genuine. Landing pad activated.When activating a Landing Pad. ", "I don't need to get paid for this pleasure! Takeo: What I want?! (when getting down), What is that sound? THIS is more my style.Getting an LMG from the Mystery Box. You would be invincible. Thank you, und goodbye. - Ending Cutscene, "Argh! Und number four. Not I. I know you have questions but you have to trust me Dempsey. I refuse.When killing a zombie who previously damaged him. - killing a hellhound, "War is inevit-.. Ine- Inevitibuh-.. Inevitibr-. War is coming for sure..! ZOR. I fear they may be more than just folklore.Said after activating the third painting for the Wolf Bow. - Get a high-caliber/good weapon, "Mummy said not to hurt animals any more" - HellHound Round, "Vatch zem all explode so beautifully!" She's controlled the zombies, chased Richtofen and Ultimis through time, reached out to Dimension 63 for help. Is that you?! All they do is play games! I have long considered you a barbarian and a brute Is there more to you than that Nikolai? " *impatiently* Ja, ja, the power needs to be turned on. Dempsey: This another 935 facility? 140140460mm 1 26965 140140460mm 1 26965 1380,,140140460mm, . Doctor Maxis couldve created his undead army, if only he broken the trust barrier- said when the door to the dressing room is open. (when out of ammo), You all kneel for the Emporer! It is not of any world.When facing the Giant Keeper. *holding back tears* I am very upset -When hit by enemies, Yeah Nikolai, let them surround you. We must access the MPD device on the Moon.Said after the rocket containing Dempsey crashes on to the courtyard. A tomb built for kings they would be disgusted if they knew what Group 935 had done with it.Said after entering the Undercroft for the first time. HA HA! Whenever armies clash, men are lost in sea of swords. Said after Richtofen says he'll join Groph shortly.Security protocol 935 Richtofen! It is simple mistake! - Recieving the Crossbow, "A crossbow? Watch popular content from the following creators: bradleymark619(@bradleymark619), Cameron Toth(@cooldude021407_), Codzombieslover(@codzombieslover), Chris mc(@g1nger_b3ard_m4annie69), Obs za obs(@exorcist.vrr), Bailey(@bailey_isthegoat), Aran(@sinofshrimp), Dempsey Solos evey verse(@official_tank_dempsey), . (When Jumping) WEE, I can bounce aroubd like a free little bunny, WEE. What is thatTHING? (RARE), "My name is Walter Hartwell White. - 1/2 Easteregg completed, NEIN! Takeo: You are paranoid Dempsey, you forget the symptoms of exposure to Element 115 Richtofen claims knowledge of worlds beyond this realm. Edit Edit source History Talk (0) Contents. - Get the Teddy Bear, "HAH! On 10 January 1940, a German aircraft, carrying a staff officer with the Luftwaffe plans for an offensive through central Belgium to the North Sea, force-landed near Maasmechelen (Mechelen) in Belgium. BUT VHY!?" The other me. Think! After revealing Samantha from the pyramid, "Ka-boom! Takeo: Your ally, this.. Ten. I can only speculate as to what you have been doing in the weeks since your disappearance from Der Riese. Leave that to me Trust me, I'm a doctorResponding to the characters on what they'll do when they get Dempsey back. - When Downed, "Did ze voices tell you to save me?" Now only one remainsAfter destroying the Moon. Zhey think of EVERYTHING!" -Upon getting a rifle from the box, "Vhy can't I have two of everyzhing? Last time I saw this was when I picked up the key.Said after activating the third painting for the Wolf Bow. and stay still! A nice little soundboard. Now, gentlemen, I do the right thing! RICHTOFEN!Said when the Pack-a-Punch is assembled or the player obtains the Wrath of the Ancients. Doctor Groph, have you made any progress?Said after Groph informs the base of an update. - Receiving a Pack a Punched Weapon, "Hehehe, stop tickling me!" He speaks in riddles, teasing a promise I fear he cannot fulfill. - Kill a zombie, "Don't be afraid of death Be afraid Of ze doctor!" -When eating a gobblegum, "Hmm Spicy At least it's clearing my sinuses." -retrieving the hacker, thier noob treachery, will come to an end! I have seen things you wouldn't believe things you couldn't even imagine.Said in the Second Trailer. (shotgun kill), "No rounds, no wounds NO JOY!" I want to keep going.. this me.. - Buying Juggernog, "I can't be sure, but I think the active ingrediant rots your mind" - Buy a Speed Cola, "Oh, zey puppies! No power! - when getting a headshot, Taps on mic* Attention shoppers! Yb Better + Ratio + Loud = funny bozos (Suggest sum stuff you would want me to upload in the comment. Let's hurry up and assemble this, I think we're gonna need it.Teleporting the fragments of the Pack-a-Punch Machine. Dempsey: Hey Nikolai, a word: this artifact of Richtofen's, has he shown it to you? You're dirtyDIRTY! HOW CAN I HAVE THEM?" It's a joke. - Getting a teddy bear. Ze dirty hairy little man things are taking mythings! OW!!! I have a universe to set right. Attempts to recover the missing test subject have already hit a SNAFU. Damn you, Group 935! - Not wearing a PES in no air zones, ah.. the earth rise is so vunderval from here - Buy first door at Moon, I knew i should of invented a egg moving robot stupid maxis with his stupid accent un stupid rules- While moving egg around map, Zis inflation is killing me - Trying to purchase a weapon without enough points, Now, if my calculations are correct, that big diggy thingy is going to fuck us up! - When the excavator is about to decompress an area, "Zheir screams are so erotic, jaaa! - Kill Zombies, "Stalingrad Good memories!" Alas, it seems the capsule containing our beloved Dempsey is on board that rocket, bound for the MoonSaid at the beginning of a co-op match. (getting a, I will not stop untill you are all destoyed! -Upon taking a shield. When we didn't hear from you, we feared the worst!Said after Richtofen replies to him for the first time. I know what will happen. - When Dempsey talks to the player who is playing him (RARE), Nervous laughter* Ehmvhut is zhis??" Twitter- Free Music by: Effects by: http:/. What your heart desires. - Get Deadshot Daquiri, Revive THIS you animals! Richtofen: Leave that to me. Dempsey: I know what you mean, especially seeing as how Richtofen put his damn brain in a jar. Stand back you imbeciles! - Get hit by a crawling zombie, "Dempshey, you are now my favorite" - Killing Zombies with Dempsey, "Can it be? This creature is not of this world. Edward Richtofen Quotes Edit Nacht Der Untoten "All I have left is mein knife.that means BLOOD!" "I have no ammo left to treat mein patients!" "I am out of ammo!" "I have nothing left to kill them with!" "His head exploded! I have seen things you wouldn't believe, things you couldn't even imagine. Nolan North. For now I must focus on Dempsey. Attention all stations! Roethke uses imagery throughout the poem. WaW- Shi no Numa. I have no doubt that the discovery of the M.P.D. Richtofen: Despite what lays ahead, Takeo, I am not afraid. Incarnations On BTVA: 4 Versions from 4 Titles. I have heard many tales of such creatures. A personal favorite. *slurping sounds* And I DRINK IT UP!!" (Before putting the space suit on) NIE!!!! "AHAHA! how much developer do i mix with l'oreal hicolor. Stay Back!Said after the Keeper teleports to Griffin Station. I've got you exactly where I want you!Said randomly when surrounded. The mission to recover the Dempsey test subject is now in jeopardy. Nolan North. - Kill a number of zombies, "NEIN! Let's be honest, who doesn't love a monkey?After obtaining a Monkey Bomb. I have heard it said that the shield is quicker than the eye.When picking up the Rocket Shield. *Whispers* I'm such a sinner! im sorry for cursing at you last time.I dident mean it. - Beginning of HellHound Round, "ACK! What on earth is going on down there?Becoming suspicious of Richtofen at the beginning of round 7. Nikolai: None of you know what I have lived through. The road is long und dark, but I know where we are going. Takeo: I feel we have encountered him before but I know not when, how or why. Note: only three of the first six words will be said per game, and they will be said in a randomized order. Warning. trickyssis. Even a great king can learn from a dog.Said after activating the first painting for the Wolf Bow. - Large amount of Zombies (10 or more in one room). Dempsey: Yeah? Exit area immediately. Two. Dempsey: Not exactly going to plan, is it Richtofen? You know, I've never been real fond of flying.After landing from a Wundersphere.
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