Among the most influential representations of Nicodemus is that in the apocryphal Acts of Pilate, a 4th/5th-century work that expounds on the sentencing and crucifixion of Jesus. It will be remembered that blasphemy was the very charge the Sanhedrin would use three years later to justify Christs death (see Matthew 26:6368; Mark 14:6165; Luke 22:6671; John 19:7). Nicodemus, a man of great wealth, donated 75 pounds of expensive myrrh and aloes to anoint the Lord's body after his death. At the expense of a little diversion it is worth trying to set out and sort out the evidence. Our theologians have answers to all your bible questions. The Welsh metaphysical poet, Henry Vaughan, in his poem The Night, uses Nicodemus to accentuate the nights connection with God. The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible states, A Nicodemus ben Gorion, who was a brother to the historian Josephus, a very wealthy member of the Sanhedrin in the 1st cent. In fact, it goes out of its way to highlight their moral failures. He may have had a sincere desire to have a serious private conversation away from the crowded, county-fair atmosphere of the Passover-choked streets and temple precincts. The theoretical goal of such side stories is to provide non-Christian viewers with an ideal model of what it looks like to wrestle with Jesus and embrace the faith. (Plots & Theme), Episode 2 Guide: Philip, Nathanael, & Matthew, Episode 3 Guide: Life Among the Disciples of Jesus, Episode 4 Guide: Simon the Zealot & the Man at the Bethesda Pool, Episode 5 Guide: Mary's Demons & the Destiny of John the Baptist, Episode 8 Guide: Judas, Matthew, & the Sermon on the Mount, Episode 1 Guide: Mary Magdalene, Lilith, and the Redeemer, Episode 2 Guide: Mary Magdalene, Nicodemus, and Shabbat, Episode 3 Guide: Depicting Jesus in Art, Film, and TV, Episode 4 Guide: When Jesus Met Simon (Peter), Episode 6 Guide: Jesus, Shmuel, & the Pharisees. Besides cowardice, there are other possible explanations why Nicodemus would seek an audience with Jesus at night. He seems to show genuine respect for Jesus' miracles and he has real interest in what Jesus has to say. There are two sources of information, Josephus and the Babylonian Talmud (Priority of John, 284). Nor was this all. Eden (Peter's wife) and Zohara (Nicodemus' wife) both have husbands who have been called to follow Jesus. Nicodemus had a Pharisee spirit, but he got saved. . Scholars remain unclear on the overall polemical purpose of either the Acts of Pilate or the Gospel of Nicodemus, but the contrast of Nicodemus as a righteous Jew against an obstinate crowd of Jews, along with his alleged authorship of the texts, is considered by many as providing literary reinforcement to anti-Jewish views held by contemporary Christians. Two and one-half years after Nicodemuss visit, Jesus was in Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles. Throughout the Gospel, we're frequently shown examples of figures who have the seeds of faith in Jesus but who don't allow these seeds to come to fruition in a gospel witness because they know that the consequences could be socially or even physically disastrous. When appearing with Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus more commonly supports the lower body of Jesus while Joseph supports the upper body. We must accord him credit for sincerity and honesty of purpose. Elliott was well versed in Pot Fishing by 19 and was better than your average . Characters of the Sanhedrists who Tried Jesus, 291326. Nicodemus needed to clarify certain truths that applied to his life and circumstances. Just think Claudia Procula was the first one we know of who was unequally yoked. It seems like no accident, then, that the kinds of Jesus stories that The Chosen takes interest in are personal encounters. It would seem that Nicodemus, if his visit was indeed an act of cowardice, was nevertheless the bravest of his associates. Unfortunately, Apple's iOS doesn't support home screen shortcuts in the Chrome browser. Together with his friend and fellow Sanhedrin member, Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus lovingly cared for the body of the crucified Savior, placing the Lord's remains in Joseph's tomb. What did you observe about the way Jesus interacted with Eden and her mother? As Photina pointed out, most rabbis wouldn't be caught dead talking to a Samaritan woman with her past. We are not given the end of their initial conversation (John 3:1-21), and so we don't know how Nicodemus ultimately responded to Jesus' teaching. Tacitus speaks of a population of 600,000; at the time of the Passover this number rose to between 2,000,000 and 3,000,000. . During Jesus burial, Nicodemus provides about 100 Roman pounds (33 kg) of a mixture of myrrh and aloes. He was a Pharisee who was attracted to Jesus' character and miracles. The Gospel of John mentions only a few facts about Nicodemus, but we do know that he was a Pharisee. The next time we encounter Nicodemus, he is trying to convince the Sanhedrin to give Jesus a fair hearing and is accused of sympathizing with him (John 7:45-52). One of the town's first settlers, Zachary Fletcher, became the first postmaster and the first entrepreneur in Nicodemus, establishing the St. Francis Hotel and a livery stable in 1880. It is believed that he was somewhat elderly, based on the first question he posed to Jesus: How can anyone be born after having grown old? (John 3:4). When he comes forward to beg the body of Jesus, he is portrayed as a good man, and a just man, one who was bold. Nicodemus, on the other hand, though he was earlier the lone voice of protest and provisioned the burial with a gift of royal magnitude, is even on this occasion portrayed as somewhat reluctant, coming forward only after Joseph boldly goes to Pilate. [20] Nicodemus had personally heard Jesus say in unmistakable language that He was the Only Begotten of the Father, the Son of God. . There is no explicit indication in the Bible that Jesus asked Nicodemus to follow him. Can you think of specific examples of women being treated unfairly in the Old Testament? He was involved in the Pharisee movement and was part of the Sanhedrin assemblies. For more information about how to have eternal life visit Searching For God. Instead of giving us immediate access, The Chosen invites us into the lives of Nicodemus and a diverse array of first century Jews who have their lives turned upside down by their personal encounters with the Messiah. When Nicodemus argues that the Pharisees need to investigate Jesus before judging him, it's unclear what his motivation is. "Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life." v14-15. The Copts and Christians of . [5] McConkie, Mortal Messiah, 1:471. 185 Heber J. [22], Not only did Joseph own a tomb convenient to Calvary but, among the believers, he was uniquely suited to the task of obtaining the body from Pilate because of the office he held with the Roman government Chandler writes, Joseph of Arimathea is called in the Vulgate, or the Latin version of the Bible, noble centurion, because he was one of the ten magistrates or senators who had the principal authority in Jerusalem under the Romans. Furthermore, John 3:16 has become a frequently-quoted verse in relation to Gods plan of salvation. This was a risky move for both of them. Gamaliel mentions just two, Theudas and Judas of Galilee, who had gathered followers with claims of messiahship, only to be killed and have their movements fade away (see Acts 5:3440). Jesus reminds Nicodemus of the Old Testament story of Moses and the Bronze Serpent (Numbers 21:4-8 ). Can you think of any instances where it brought Jesus into conflict with other men who were in power? The creators of The Chosen have published interactive Bible Studies that are meant to explore some of the Scripture and biblical themes that inspired Season 1 and help viewers apply them to everyday life. At Passover time great numbers of Jews camped outside the city proper, but within the limits of a Sabbath days journey.[4]. Moreover, by bringing these concerns to the surface as a context for watching Episode 8 of The Chosen, you highlight the radical difference between how Jesus treated women and how women were treated by biblical figures like Abraham and David. Jesuss rebuke of Nicodemus in pointing out his ignorance of spiritual things could have received a much different response in other settings or with other members of the Sanhedrin. What happened to Pontius Pilate after the death of the Lord Jesus Christ? He received the credits for carving both the Holy Face of Lucca and the Batll Crucifix, apparently with angelic help. However, the National Park Service disputes this, asserting that the name of the town was inspired by an 1864 song, Wake Nicodemus by Henry Clay Work. You might get worried about raising doubts and concerns for some of your students that make them question the goodness of God or of the Bible. After your youth list a few examples, I would point out: When we read the Bible and see women being mistreated by men it's good to keep in mind that the Bible is not endorsing these behaviors, it's simply describing events as they happened. Then, about six months before the crucifixion, the Chief Priests and Pharisees attempted to have Jesus arrested for deception. Nicodemus was a Pharisee and the Pharisees, unlike the Sadducees, believed in the resurrection, but were also responsible for a high level of legalism, so Nicodemus was not only a ruler, he was a member of the Sanhedrin, which was the ruling body of the Jews, but why is John the only one who writes about Nicodemus? Jesus calls him by an honorific title, "the Teacher of Israel" (John 3:10). There's also a lot of fear at work in the back and forth conflict that Nicodemus has with Shmuel. Other scholars believe that the term (anthen) used by him serves as a double entendre that has been used as a plot device to guide the character as well as the implied reader to a better understanding of the true meaning. This led the scholars to believe that Nicodemus was likely a wealthy man. or the need to stream it, you can find it on Amazon. 2, appendix I. In Chapter Seven, Nicodemus asks his fellow chief priests and Pharisees to carefully listen and examine before passing judgement on Jesus. Even though the timeline between their relationship remains anonymous, the couple apparently met a while before 2014. Several eastern Churches as well the Roman Catholic Church honour Nicodemus as a saint. Thanks to this glow of kindling sorrow and compassion in the hearts of these two noble and wealthy disciples, He who died as a malefactor, was buried as a king. But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all [men], and needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man (John 2:2325). To add an RSC website shortcut to your home screen, open the website in the Safari browser. Nicodemus relationship with Jesus was marked by a complex spiritual development. According to the Bible, Jesus was strongly opposed by the Pharisees, a group of Jewish scribes who followed the letter of the law. ask them which heard me, what I have said unto them: behold, they know what I said. Then, one of the officers which stood by struck Jesus with the palm of his hand, saying, Answerest thou the high priest so? (John 18:1923). What do you think Jesus' heart is for women in these situations? About Ryan Nicodemus. But The Chosen must have other reasons taking interest in Nicodemus. Nicodemus is shocked that an unknown man would perform miracles and not want the credit. Chandler was able to provide a partial list of the members of the Sanhedrin at the time of Christ. It is the fear of Rome that causes Nicodemus to abuse his role as an esteemed teacher and serve Roman interests. So what does Nicodemus have that John doesn't? However, it's important to keep in mind that the Bible does not give us a complete description of the encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus (John 3:1-21). He appears as a protagonist in the text and as one of several Jews who testify in Jesus favour before Pilate, in apparent contrast to the charges brought against him by an otherwise undifferentiated group of Jews. How can we know the Messiah would be God incarnate? I have Bible studies/discussion guides for each episode of The Chosen Seasons 1-3, blogs exploring how The Chosen adapts key biblical figures, and articles exploring the controversial nature of adaptation. He is typically, but not always, paired with Joseph of Arimathea, who together with Nicodemus carries the body of Jesus. He tagged along with Joseph of Arimathea, another disciple of Jesus. 1 Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. We see this especially in the veiled threat that Shmuel makes toward the end of season 1. 1. In the same conversation Nicodemus seeks to understand how a person might be born again after having left a mothers womb. The Gospel of John, which appears to be a primary source for much of The Chosen's first season, is particularly interested in the tension between the fear of man and faith in Jesus (e.g. He was also a member of the Sanhedrin, the high court in Israel. Episode 8 Guide: The Woman at the Well, Eden, & Zohara, Christmas with The Chosen: The Messengers, The Chosen Season 2 Controversy (Jesus, the Bible, & the Process of Inspiration), Should Nicodemus Kneel? During Jesus trial and crucifixion, Nicodemus was one of the leaders of the Jewish religious leaders. In some accounts he is buried with his wife and two children next to the tomb of Jesus - the ultimate martyr's sepulchre. With Jesuss public challenge to the Jewish aristocracy in cleansing the temple, with so little known about the man and his intentions, with other messiah figures having come and gone, caution could be seen as a wise approach, especially for a person of position. And then, he met his girlfriend Mariah Schneeberger. While in Jerusalem he chased the moneychangers from the temple and overturned their tables. Sometimes their conversation got a little tense. He even helped anoint Jesus body. It's a perfect embodiment the evangelical vision of what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus. In The Chosen, Nicodemus is played by Erick Avari. The word commit is translated from the Greek verb ? (pist??). The officers only recorded response was, Never man spake like this man (v. 46). [35] Edersheim, Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, 1:381n1. . The Greek church made her a saint and honors her on October 27th. The Gospel of John clearly associates Nicodemus with the fear of man. They feared the result in loss of popularity and standing. This is a great reminder for us to remember and pray for those who are married to non-Christians. [25] David Noel Freedman, ed., The Anchor Bible Dictionary (New York: Doubleday, 1992), s.v. This prominent member of the Sanhedrin, the Jewish supreme court, secretly visited Jesus Christ at night because he suspected the young teacher might be the Messiah promised to Israel by God. These would have been seen as marks of poor character - that's why Photina had to get water in the hot afternoon instead of going early in the morning when it's cool - the other women looked down on her. It appears that Jesus did believe Nicodemuss belief. The failure of his character to follow out of his fear of societal disapproval sets up an interesting plot trajectory for his future development. In his 1544 Excuse messieurs les Nicodemites, theologian John Calvin wrote that Nicodemus veneration did not excuse him of his duplicity. Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ? For he knew that because of envy they had delivered Him up. It also seems like following Jesus would create significant issues in his marriage with Zohara. In particular, this episode of The Chosen shows us the impact of Jesus on Simon's wife (Eden), her mother, Nicodemus' wife (Zohara), Mary, and Photina (the Samaritan Woman at the Well from the well-known passage in John 4) - all against the backdrop of the unjust patriarchal society of ancient Israel. Luke 23 :55-56 states that the women "who had come with him from Galilee" prepared the spices and ointments. It intends for us to see these broken relationships as a consequence of the Fall. The Chosen should allow its characters to embrace faith in Jesus with a more incomplete or tentative understanding of who he actually is. Elder Bruce R. McConkie sets the scene: Our Lord has driven from the Temple Court the sacrificial animals, probably numbering in the thousands; has used a scourge of small cords upon the carnal men who made merchandise in his Fathers House; and has extended his own arm of healing to bless and cure manyand all Jerusalem is aware of the miracles he has done.[2]. However, Nicodemus became a disciple of Jesus and publicly . How would you describe the way that Jesus treated women? 76.9k Followers, 189 Following, 357 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Ryan Nicodemus (@ryannicodemus) The problem would be to locate this one person among the millions in and around Jerusalem. It would have been difficult for The Chosen to mirror the exact shape of Nicodemus' arc in The Gospel of John. Known for: Nicodemus was a leading Pharisee and well-recognized religious leader of the Jewish people. What Does the Bible Tell Us About Nicodemus? John said this discussion happened at night, probably because Nicodemus had his reputation to protect since Jesus was a controversial figure . [30] Chandler, Trial of Jesus from a Lawyers Standpoint, 2:319; emphasis added. Nina Leon as Salome: the wife of Zebedee and the mother of Big James and John. . Many a husband and wife today live in this situation. He had skipped the previous Passover in the spring. Nicodemus may seem like strange choice for a primary POV character in a show about the life of Jesus. ","name":"What Happened to Nicodemus in the Bible? Hopefully these questions will prove helpful as you watch episode 8 of The Chosen with your youth group. is doubtless, like so many Jewish names at this period, derived from the Greek. Your email address will not be published. I've condensed the lesson into an easily printable pdf below. It seems clear that Jesus saw Nicodemus as a receptive listener. Jesus isn't using his conversation with Nicodemus as a teaching moment for a crowd; he's engaging Nicodemus in a private (it's at night) 1-1 conversation, in response to Nicodemus' honest questions. The terms use receded after the 18th century. It also influences his conversations with his wife. He referred to Jesus as a man of God and sought to investigate his character. But the Bible never gives us her name. Claudia Procula What does the Bible say about Pontius Pilates wife? Nicodemus, whose name means "innocent of blood," stood up for Jesus when the Pharisees were conspiring against him: Nicodemus was intelligent and inquiring. Punishment was mercilessly inflicted wherever there was open violation of any one of the following rules established by the rabbis themselves: If any one opposes his rabbi, he is guilty in the same degree as if he opposed God himself. In that case, Nicodemus is trying to hide his faith while at the same time secretly supporting his master. 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