Additionally, a critical element of ending the conflict in Yemen is our counterterrorism campaign and efforts to counter Iranian arms smuggling to the Houthis. The WhatsApp forum allowed the nearly 350 police and prosecutor participants to share tips and resources on effective methods for trafficking investigations and prosecutions. The PRC governments Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (Bingtuan), an economic and paramilitary organization with administrative control over several areas in the region comprising nearly three million personnel, forces members of prison populations and local communities alike to work in hazardous mining, construction, manufacturing, food processing, andfor many thousands of Uyghur adults and childrencotton harvesting. Sagbo Sasse was also a crucial member of Gabons anti-trafficking inter-ministerial committee and remains the countrys foremost leader on this issue. Whether the government of the country cooperates with other governments in the investigation and prosecution of severe forms of trafficking in persons and has entered into bilateral, multilateral, or regional law enforcement cooperation and coordination arrangements with other countries. Cuba Algeria Curaao Because of her passionforthe cause to which she has committed her life,Poole works across borders to cultivate support for combating human trafficking and protecting vulnerable communities. Pursuant to section 404 of the Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008 (CSPA) (22 U.S.C. Macau John Cotton Richmond Khassanova also works closely with local police to assist victims of trafficking who choose to participate in criminal proceedings. She trains government officials regularly, sharing important experiences on working with victims at Sana Sezims human trafficking shelter. This placement is based not on the size of a countrys problem but on the extent of government efforts to meet the TVPAs minimum standards for the elimination of human trafficking (see page 56-58), which are generally consistent with the Palermo Protocol. Sunny Massa As of April 5, no PKO funding was obligated in FY 2021. International Military Education and Training $197,433 We should also consider the lessons learned over the course of this global health crisis. Over half of us on the streets are there because we were thrown out for being ourselves. The spokesperson did not identify specific individuals to be investigated. 333 and has certified that the government of Yemen is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. Additionally, the military continued to rely on local communities to source labor and supplies, thereby perpetuating conditions enabling the forced labor of adults and children. Further, a waiver for support provided by the Department of Defense pursuant to 10 U.S.C. Qatar Zambia Kristy Mordhorst While COVID-19 restrictions have slowed the investigation, two soldiers have been charged and are in prison awaiting trial, while the local prosecutor is pursuing charges against another eight soldiers. The U.S. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) reported a 98.66 percent increase in online enticement reports between January and September 2020 compared to the same period in 2019, and reports to their CyberTipline doubled to 1.6 million. Two police officers were charged in December 2021 under the TIP Act, the Children Act and the Anti-Gang act for their role in the illegal entry of a Venezuelan migrant who was later proved to be a victim of human trafficking. Furthermore, familial trafficking situations may have prevented survivors from developing key healthy social skills, including how to make and maintain friends, relate to other children and adults, ask for assistance, and recognize their own self-worth. Under Sagbo Sasses courageous leadership and vision, SIFOS offers critical education to children who have experienced human trafficking, homelessness, or residential institutionalization. In the past year, theMWLteamhas fervently worked to reduce the vulnerability of individuals and families in Albania affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to human trafficking. Such interference can have damaging effects on the ability of law enforcement, NGOs, and other victim service providers to respond to real cases. Leading by example, the OSR/CTHBs collaboration with the Secretariats Procurement and Contracting Unit provided for the development of internal measures and capacities to prevent TIP in the OSCEs procurement. Rwanda Organizations might be in different stages of understanding and implementing trauma-informed and survivor-centered processes. The GNA has also committed to providing unhindered access to an international fact-finding mission created under the auspices of the UN Human Rights Council in June 2020 to document human rights abuses in Libya. Acknowledging the emotional weight of bringing trafficking-related casework into ones home, survivor-led and survivor-informed organizations were mindful of staff needs when managing cases remotely, offering resources and opportunities to support the staffs emotional well-being. . The U.S. government will continue to engage with the Libyan government to urge militias to cease the unlawful recruitment of children and to make proper referrals for such children. Furthermore, victims of familial trafficking might not be able to comprehend or identify with the indicators featured in most public awareness and outreach campaigns that share information on how to seek help. Anti-trafficking approaches should continue to incorporate technological innovations responsibly to improve anti-trafficking responses. The Government of Cameroon is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. Victims and survivors faced obstacles accessing assistance and support as lockdowns, social distancing protocols, and a lack of resources caused service providers to close shelters and reduce services. Doing so allowed the organization to continue connecting with potential trafficking victims, now hidden in private apartments and clandestine areas instead of clubs and brothels, which had been ordered to close due to the lockdown along with all other public spaces. They may also be used to support the Community of SantEgidios facilitation of South Sudan peace talks. Depending on whether and to what extent anonymizing technologies are applied, blockchain transactions can be analyzed to identify patterns indicative of criminal activity. Systemic discrimination creates inequities between communities, whether the discrimination targets perceptions of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity, or any other social identities. Through collaboration, learning, and embracing innovation, I am confident that global anti-trafficking efforts will emerge stronger than ever. In 2019, the Afghan Ministry of Interior expanded child protection units (CPUs) to all 34 provinces, an increase from the 27 CPUs in 2018, to prevent the recruitment of children into the Afghan National Police. Page 29: Getty/Stefanie Glinski The government reported sentencing 28 traffickers to at least one year imprisonment (30 in 2019). Throughout her longstanding and impressive career in law enforcement, she has led multiple trainings for government personnel. The 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report includes the following 11 governments with a documented policy or pattern of human trafficking, trafficking in government-funded programs, forced labor in government-affiliated medical services or other sectors, sexual slavery in government camps, or the employment or recruitment of child soldiers: Afghanistan The crime of sex trafficking can also be understood through the acts, means, and purpose framework. The courageous voices of survivors, their family members abroad, researchers, and international advocacy groups have thoroughly documented the PRCs discriminatory use of surveillance technologies and trumped-up administrative and criminal charges to abduct and detain more than one million Muslims, including Uyghurs, ethnic Hui, ethnic Kazakhs, ethnic Kyrgyz, ethnic Tajiks, and ethnic Uzbeks, in as many as 1,200 state-run internment camps throughout Xinjiang. The GOI is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. Iran As part of this effort, the United States government will continue working to encourage the GOI to monitor progress and take additional actions to prevent the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers, and to identify, demobilize, rehabilitate, and reintegrate children serving in militias associated with the PMF. Whether the government of the country protects victims of severe forms of trafficking in persons and encourages their assistance in the investigation and prosecution of such trafficking, including provisions for legal alternatives to their removal to countries in which they would face retribution or hardship, and ensures that victims are not inappropriately incarcerated, fined, or otherwise penalized solely for unlawful acts as a direct result of being trafficked, including by providing training to law enforcement and immigration officials regarding the identification and treatment of trafficking victims using approaches that focus on the needs of the victims. Atsuki Takahashi Anti-trafficking actors in all sectors should increase collaboration with the private sector to strengthen anti-trafficking efforts that encourage and support prevention of forced labor in supply chains, especially as companies aim to make up for pandemic-related production disruptions and widespread unemployment drives vulnerability. To navigate the challenges posed by stretched resources, competing priorities, and reduced capacity or political will of governments to combat trafficking, governments and NGOs should consider systemically integrating anti-trafficking efforts into existing response plans and practices in humanitarian and crisis contexts. Conversations related to human trafficking typically held by community, tribal, and religious leaders were often cancelled or postponed. Freedom Mushaw The multi-faceted challenges generated by the COVID-19 pandemic continue to evolve and expose vulnerability in individuals, as well as systemic gaps. In the long term, private-sector collaboration should aim to improve the ability of companies to withstand shocks from crises that could leave portions of their workforce vulnerable to trafficking. Police officers, immigration officers, customs officers and coast guard officers were also included in the extensive network of traffickers of humans in TT. Consistent with the TVPA, the President may also determine to instruct the U.S. Executive Director of each multilateral development bank and the International Monetary Fund to vote against and use their best efforts to deny any loans or other uses of the institutions funds to a designated Tier 3 country for most purposes (except for humanitarian, trade-related, and certain development-related assistance). All three elements are essential to form a human trafficking violation. El Salvador Court closures at the onset of the pandemic also delayed prosecutions, contributing significantly to judicial systems backlog of cases. The Secretary-General has institutionalized mechanisms to continue engagement and cohesion across the United Nations system, and prioritized leadership accountability relating to sexual exploitation and abuse through mandated action plans and personal certifications. In January 2021, the government finalized and disseminated national SOPs for trafficking victim identification, referral, and protection to all front-line agencies involved in anti-trafficking efforts; implementation was ongoing at the end of the reporting period. Lastly, section 333 is used to support counter-improvised explosive devices (C-IED) or route clearance programming which enables the Nigerian military to escort humanitarian assistance convoys in the volatile Northeast where the violence wrought by ISIS-West Africa and Boko Haram has displaced 1.8 million civilians and rendered 9.8 million in the Lake Chad region in need of humanitarian assistance. The U.S. Department of State leads the U.S. governments global engagement to combat human trafficking and chairs the federal interagency anti-trafficking task force. Observers noted the judiciarys broad discretion and inconsistency in granting bail, as well as reports of fraud and corruption within the bail process, engendered concomitant recidivism (repeat offences), victim re-traumatisation and a perception of impunity.. Although the pandemic resulted in the reduction or suspension of many support networks for victims, service providers shifted to online and virtual platforms to continue supporting victims as much as possible. Others leveraged technology to drive innovative solutions. Many COVID-19 mitigation measures, such as mask wearing, virtual engagements, and self-isolation, could re-traumatize survivors. Uganda When the family member or guardian is the victims trafficker, it may not be apparent that human trafficking is occurring, especially because the victim lives with or near the perpetrator. To maintain momentum and coordination in implementation, the Secretary-General extended the mandate of the Special Coordinator on improving the UN response to sexual exploitation and abuse until 31 December 2021. PKO funded counter-terrorism assistance to Cameroon helps improve its capabilities to combat Boko Haram and ISIS-West Africa, which increases stability and protects civilians in the Lake Chad region. This report is submitted in accordance with section 405(c) and (d) of the Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008 (22 U.S.C. While the help of the public is a crucial part of anti-trafficking efforts, the public can inadvertently interfere when its actions are based on false information or on tips from individuals with no direct knowledge of human trafficking situations. Self-disclosing ones trafficking experience also became riskier, especially for victims quarantined with their trafficker, given reduced opportunities for movement and the risk of COVID-19 infection posed by fleeing into the community. Both male and female children are often sexually abused or exploited by members of armed groups and suffer the same types of devastating physical and psychological consequences associated with sex trafficking. Following community-level engagement by UNICEF, the use ended. there is a failure to provide evidence of increasing efforts to combat severe forms of trafficking in persons from the previous year, including increased investigations, prosecutions, and convictions of trafficking crimes, increased assistance to victims, and decreasing evidence of complicity in severe forms of trafficking by government officials. The organization also donated proceeds from the production of artisan goods, including the masks, towards medical care and social services for survivors. In addition to her anti-trafficking accomplishments in her current position, she has a track record of championing the rights of trafficking victims and providing them with services. The elements of both definitions can be described using a three-element framework focused on the traffickers 1) acts; 2) means; and 3) purpose. IOM conducted rapid assessments in various countries to address the multiple effects of the pandemic on populations vulnerable to trafficking, such as the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 on labor migration in the Pacific Region. In India and Nepal, young girls from poor and rural areas were often expected to leave school to help support their families during the economic hardshipsome were forced into marriage in exchange for money, while others were forced to work to supplement lost income. From there, Joriz exploited Benilda in another form of sex trafficking by forcing her to engage in commercial sex acts at local hotels. This approach considers the vulnerabilities and experiences of trauma survivors and places priority on restoring a survivors feelings of safety, choice, and control. There were and continue to be survivor-led and -informed innovative solutions not only to ensure the continuation of anti-trafficking efforts but also to promote safety and security during the pandemic. PRC officials then defended the facilities as necessary measures to counter terrorism, while also claiming that many of them had already been closed. The top five locations for human trafficking criminal arrests by HSI were Atlanta, Georgia; Dallas, Texas; Los Angeles, California; Phoenix, Arizona; and Tampa, Florida. The impacts of familial trafficking, both visible and not, and subsequent needs of survivors are often severe and complex, and they can be exacerbated by the onset of trauma during key childhood developmental stages. Observers report that law enforcement and security officials are implicated in trafficking, including Coast Guard officials who facilitate the transit of women and girls from Venezuela to the country, immigration and customs officers who ensure that women and girls arrive and receive entry and the members of the police who accept bribes to facilitate transport to houses across the country and work with brothel owners to protect their establishments from police raids, the report said. The government also began transferring many thousands of camp detainees elsewhere in Xinjiang and to other provinces throughout the country under the guise of a poverty alleviation program in which companies and local governments received subsidies for forcing them to labor in manufacturing. Djibouti Shehas traveled throughout Europe, mentoring and training others and becoming a leading spokesperson for anti-trafficking initiatives in Europe. The government of the country should prohibit severe forms of trafficking in persons and punish acts of such trafficking. Traffickers targeted families experiencing financial difficulties and offered false promises and fraudulent job offers to recruit their children, while other families exploited or sold their children to traffickers to financially support themselves. Sex trafficking can take place in private homes, massage parlors, hotels, or brothels, among other locations, as well as on the internet. Justin D. Pollard In three years, I had slept with over 500 people. Andrea Balint Tonga Joriz began sexually abusing Benilda on camera, live-streaming it to the internet for money. We need to overcome the years of institutional bias and discrimination by politicians trying to criminalize our use of bathrooms or marriages. Many survivors had to close shops or leave jobs due to lockdowns and some were pressured by former traffickers when other employment options dried up. From 2000 to 2020, SIFOS helped identify 578 child trafficking victims and reintegrate 9,039 children into local society. A force of nature, she has prioritized achieving systemic change through grassroots action and effective networking. In this committee, she played a major role in promoting victim identification and protections for child trafficking victims. The COVID-19 pandemic is a health crisis with unprecedented repercussions for human rights and economic development globally, including in human trafficking. The President further certified that the governments of the above countries are taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. In December 2019, Iraq presented a proposal to prepare a comprehensive plan to reduce unlawful child recruitment operations in armed and terrorist conflicts to an intragovernmental committee headed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. In 2019, Congress amended the TVPA to acknowledge that governments can also act as traffickers, referring specifically to a government policy or pattern of human trafficking, trafficking in government-funded programs, forced labor in government-affiliated medical services or other sectors, sexual slavery in government camps, or the employment or recruitment of child soldiers. Founded in 2001, Sana Sezim has been a premier anti-trafficking organization in Kazakhstan and has greatly advanced efforts within the country to end human trafficking and help labor migrants. It is undeniably essential for governments to execute effective, coordinated public health responses to prevent further loss of life and economic damage as a result of the pandemic. Former national security minister Gary Griffith has defended the efforts of the former People's Partnership administration to address human trafficking when he was a member of the cabinet, accusing the Prime Minister of a "blame game" over a 2022 US report that alleged that senior government officials are involved in human trafficking. Disrespecting survivor leaders and their experiences hurts and further exploits survivors, who are key stakeholders in the anti-trafficking movement, and it ultimately perpetuates a harmful and deficient understanding of what it means to be survivor-informed. Syria The U.S. governments current security assistance goals with Nigeria are to: 1) increase the professionalism of the Nigerian armed forces, including respect for human rights and mitigating civilian harm; 2) reduce the threats violent extremist organizations pose to Nigeria and the Lake Chad region; and 3) increase security in the Gulf of Guinea. Survivors may encounter a large number of health indicators and somatic complaints due to having to endure trauma for a long period of time at an early age, including head, stomach, and body aches; throat and urinary tract infections; interrupted sleep due to nightmares and flashbacks; difficulty concentrating; asthma; and more. The purpose of the Network is to engage experts, particularly those with lived experience of human trafficking, to provide expertise and input on Department of State anti-trafficking policies, strategies, and products. When we couldnt pay, we slept on subways, in empty warehouses, in cars, or on couches. It is through collaboration and collective understanding of both the nuances of our profoundly changed world and the needs of those affected most by the compounding effects of both human trafficking and the COVID-19 pandemic that a path forward emerges. In the case of child sex trafficking, the consent of the victim is never relevant as a child cannot legally consent to commercial sex. 333 to re-engage with and build the capacity of the Yemeni Armed Forces the military of the recognized government of Yemen in support of U.S. national interests in fighting terrorism, countering violent extremist organizations and illicit smuggling, and ensuring freedom of navigation through the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait. Communicate updates on the progression of these changes. Somalia Given the essential role that these monitoring mechanisms or efforts play as the parties to the R-ARCSS continue to work to implement the peace agreement and form a transitional government, waiving restrictions to PKO assistance is in the U.S. national interest. Description and Amount of Assistance Provided Pursuant to a Waiver. Comments "Celian Group to host Gospel Festival" . These challenges further compound existing vulnerabilities to exploitation, including human trafficking. It's important to note, though, that human trafficking can include, but does not require, movement. Although the DDR Committee is not specifically dedicated to removing child soldiers from the field of battle, its mission is to facilitate the disarmament and reintegration of ex-fighters of Boko Haram and ISIS-West Africa and armed separatist groups in the Southwest and Northwest Regions, irrespective of their ages. By Mark P. Lagon and. Bangladesh In Haiti, Niger, and Mali, gangs operating in IDP camps took advantage of reduced security and limited protection to force residents at the camp to perform commercial sex acts. While kicking a ball in an abandoned field outside of Marib, Yemen, Houthi rebels came charging for the boys. 106-386, 108, as amended. 11. On October 14, 2020, the President determined that it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to Afghanistan, Cameroon, Iraq, Libya, and Nigeria; and to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to the DRC to allow for the provision of IMET and Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) assistance, to the extent that the CSPA would restrict such assistance or support; to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to Somalia to allow for the provision of IMET and PKO assistance and DoD support provided pursuant to 10 U.S.C. Instead, Katherins boss forced her to stay in his home. In 2019, official development assistance (ODA) made up one-tenth of external financial flows to developing countries, according to the OECD, which further predicted a decline of up to 8 percent in 2020 due to the impacts of COVID-19 on economies. Allyson West: Who destroyed people's property tax details? In addition, providing migrant workers with information on their rights and obligations, on complaint mechanisms in case of abuse, and on how to access assistance and remedies, would empower them to identify and leave exploitative situations. That all changed when, after a few months, Joriz took a nude photo of Benilda and then forced her to pose naked in front of a webcam. The victim stories and photographs included in this report are meant to be illustrative [see PDF version for photos]. She has gone out of her way to meet with individuals in facilities for internally displaced persons, who may have been exploited, and made sure they were aware of their rights under the countrys laws. The Government of Maldives incorporated questions on labor exploitation and unethical recruitment into health screenings and COVID-19 contact tracing for all foreign workers. Caitlin B. Heidenreich Peru (Tier 2) - Anti-trafficking police conducted 65 operations in 2020, resulting in 214 detentions in the first three quarters of the year, compared with 186 operations and 364 detentions in 2019 and 158 operations and 423 detentions in 2018. U.S. and global data show human traffickers disproportionately target those in positions of socioeconomic or political vulnerability due to discriminatory policies, who are often people of color or part of a racial minority. Survivors might associate stay-at-home orders and self-isolation with movement restrictions and feeling there are fewer places to which to flee, which may induce or exacerbate a trauma response for some survivors. Likewise, many companies have taken a stand against the use of forced labor in China by cutting ties with suppliers in Xinjiang or those connected to the PRCs campaign of repressionat times earning them heavy consumer and state-run media backlash within the Chinese domestic market. Whether the government of the country vigorously investigates, prosecutes, convicts, and sentences public officials, including diplomats and soldiers, who participate in or facilitate severe forms of trafficking in persons, including nationals of the country who are deployed abroad as part of a diplomatic, peacekeeping, or other similar mission who engage in or facilitate severe forms of trafficking in persons or exploit victims of such trafficking, and takes all appropriate measures against officials who condone or enable such trafficking. Sex trafficking encompasses the range of activities involved when a trafficker uses force, fraud, or coercion to compel another person to engage in a commercial sex act or causes a child to engage in a commercial sex act. It wasnt until my adult years that I was able to process how closely this aligned with racial oppression. While the racial dimensions of human trafficking manifest in different ways in each country, human trafficking still mirrorsand thrives because ofwidespread inequities between racial groups. Since the signing of the action plan in 2017, the UN has not reported any further use of children by the CJTF. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Withdrawing security sector assistance at a pivotal stage of negotiations could undermine the U.S. governments ability to achieve a durable cessation of hostilities in Libya. Our current PKO-funded programming supports planning and capacity building for electoral security as well as planning for an eventual security sector reform (SSR) in the country. Botswana In 2013, the United States Federal Strategic Action Plan on Services for Victims of Human Trafficking in the United States (Plan) identified the importance of engaging with survivors in decision-making processes as anti-trafficking leaders. 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Republic First Officer Pay, Orrville, Ohio Newspaper, Articles G