Finally, he offered, I was disappointed in her today. How could they not know?, Because they werent doing their damn jobs. He pulled her out of the chair and steered her out of the room. The next morning Tony was exercising behind his desk. And in terms of your little reflex problem, Ive advised you about that already. I need to leave to get this investigation back on track and sort out David and McGee. If not part of another investigation, the FBI would have purview. Authors Note: This was written for the 2018 NCIS Reverse Big Bang with the first art created by Banbury. That still gave him a couple hours to deal with things here. I always thought that the David/McGee transgression was covered over too much. Tony had met Paddy shortly after Wendy left him at the altar. You wont talk about it, but I know this was like having your guts ripped out, Tony. Not a bruise between them., Brows knitted in confusion, Tony asked, Where were they?, Gibbs was actually surprised Tony remembered enough of what happened to ask these questions. About wanting you here, or about not getting tired of you?. He couldnt not read Vance in, especially with the DEA likely to call soon, but this action took it out of his hands completely, and it suddenly felt more horrifyingly and appallingly real. He braced for the impact he hoped wouldnt come and continued to try to get out of the restrictive bag. But you never know, maybe we're all surprised? Tony couldn't afford his rent and a motel for months, too. Faber led him deeper into the PD and passed him a large envelope. I enjoyed the angst in this too. The cop gave him an assessing look before nodding. And you exaggerated the visiting restrictions on this ward. So, I never assumed your life stopped when we broke up, Tony. PD Police Department I can tell you, news like that - peoples emotions can run the gamut. Youll get contacted about that separately., Okay. Everything else that happened today is in the hands of the DEA. Hows Tony doing? Palmer asked when they were finished with the little white reader thingy. Pairing: Anthony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs People who lived in communities like Royal Woods didnt have roommates. But he had an image to maintain. Inside was a standard NCIS surveillance microphone. Long story that I cant fully talk about but thanks. MaH Military at Home (fictional domestic terrorist organization used in 805). This is the Gibbs we prefer to imagine. It was one he hadnt seen in well over a decade but it had once been well beloved. I assume you remember getting the voiceprints in Royal Woods?, Tony carefully wasnt moving. He met Tonys beautiful green eyes as he began steadily pressing inside. He also doesnt need her in here advocating for them., I understand and I agree with you, but because you cant keep her away forever, you must reconcile yourself to telling Anthony what has occurred sooner rather than later.. He slid two slick fingers inside his lover, finding him still somewhat loose from the night before. Plus all the flashing lights. Yeah. Mostly discuss, and Gibbs was feeling completely talked out. Abigail has called several times after being unable to reach either of them., Gibbs knew she was calling; hed already sent several of her calls to voicemail, but he had told her hed be unavailable for a while, so her frequent calls were grating on his nerves. Also, his robe, his iPod, and his Kindle. The case seemed to point to possible domestic terrorist cell, but all they were doing was getting voiceprints in a swanky neighborhood in Alexandria. "You're supposed to be the best undercover in the business. Yeah. He had no plans to be anywhere else. NCIS | Fanfiction Realistic Tony Dinozzo Fanfic Fan Fic Hear Silent Cries. And how is Ziva David tied into all this? Ill talk to you, Tony. Im not that boy you knew., I dont expect you to be. Yes, Boss, McGee responded immediately. Some sort of big nail theyre going to put down his leg. Eyes narrowing, Gibbs assessed Faber. It isnt like youre hiding or in witness protection or anything, you know, Tony. Gibbs snorted. I wasnt a manipulative bastard. It amazed him how well Tony and Jack got on, but he was pleased by it. I mean I had seen some not so kosher stuff but it was piddling, ya know. No. "Gut feeling about what David?" Gibbs said while handing Abby her Caf-Pow*. Being angry was no stranger to Gibbs. He was shot taking voiceprints this morning. He decided not to elaborate about the other injuries. But, Gibbs, you dont, Shut it! he barked. Before she died, Lowell knew that all of her lifes work was going to Navy cops and their families. Why were we pulled from the case? Fallout ensues. LEO Law Enforcement Officer Their hard cocks immediately aligned and he thrust down. Hell decide what NCIS official response is, both to them and in regards to you two., Drop it, he snapped. Tony knew a cop who had been shot through his door when he went to look through the peephole. Gibbs wondered if this was the right time, but when exactly would be the right time for this sort of thing? Part of the plot was also inspired by theTony's Boyfriends - You Choose Challenge by rose_malmaison. ), Title: How I Met Your Father or Five Times Tonys Ex-Boyfriends Showing Up In His Life At NCIS Was Cumulatively A Very Bad, Awful, Horrible, Painful Thing Plus One Time When It Was Perfect, Pairings: Tony DiNozzo/OMCs, Tony DiNozzo/John Sheppard, Warnings: gay bashing, foul language, slurs, character death (not Tony or John). And if you did say yes to that, you wouldnt be my dirty little secret. Hed intended it to be a simple affirmation, sealing their bargain, so to speak, but Tony immediately went pliant under his hands and mouth, and Gibbs felt like hed been jolted with electricity. And after what just went down, I had to come and warn ya., Tonys brows furrowed. There are four files on there. Do let me know when youre ready for her to visit Anthony., Carefully choosing his words, because there was no way of knowing how much Tony was hearing and absorbing right now, he said, Not until he knows the entirety of the situation, and shes not going to bring guilt or emotional manipulation into the situation., Shes sympathizing with other parties in this mess., Excuse me? Ducky said, sounding affronted. Even before the names were revealed I thought (and wished :)) it was your fic. **chefs kiss**. Hows Tony? he immediately asked. TPTB screwed up that whole story on the show, this is how it really should have gone. Just Gibbs is fine, Palmer., Oh, okay. And when the FBI had tossed him onto the highway, Agent Axelrod had been hit by the gurney. Would you find there was cause?. 1.2K Stories. Exactly what I wish the episode had been. This was so great! Gibbs would never accept an agent on his team whod failed to backup their partner in such a way; whether there was a resultant injury or not. I know I left it open for a sequel from John's perspective but I don't know when or if I will ever get around to it. Theres no point in suffering needlessly, Ducky chided. ME Medical Examiner Tonys all right he always is. He was running late and though he had called Gibbs to let him know, Tony knew he would pay for it anyway. And because that was the first time Tony had managed to say the words, even though Gibbs knew how he felt because he paid attention to the actions of the man, they got caught up in some of that stuff Jack and warned them not to do. I just printed it.. Though I do not plan to actually have them charged with anything, and Agent McGee hadnt done anything other than get a bit aggressive when we cuffed David, we are detaining both of them until you are ready for them to be released. Leaning close, he whispered, Listen up, Tony. They all think Im a totally straight skirt chasing ladies man., I was listening to the comms, Tony. I dont need Abby or the rest of the agency getting involved. Im listening., Gibbs tossed the flash drive on Vances desk. She was a real bitch. You just fucked me and chucked me, John. He had gotten a call from his husband and needed to take it. Since Tony was out of the room, he decided to go ahead and quickly call her. You should press the button on your PCA, my boy. My detectives approached the vehicle with caution and had the two people step out of the vehicle and asked them to produce ID. And why., Yeah, that wasnt exactly nice but the shitty part, the real dick move, John, was you doing it right after you finished fucking me. He didnt want his opinion of her affected any more than it already had been. Gibbs rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache coming on. Thankfully, Gibbs had a NCIS windbreaker in his car so Tony could take that and . And Ducky had been very attentive this past week. But their arguments lately have been more friendly banter than antagonistic. NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service | Book 1 Just stand there and sneer? Oh my god, you wont believe the questions the investigators have been asking Ziva and McGee! I dont know if I should have or not, Tony said in a rush, but I didnt want you to feel you had to keep them put away. But to be out not only in your team but enough so over open comms with another agency? Id rather hurt a little than be so drugged up, okay? Eventually, he had to stop the flow of words. With his head injury he cant make medical decisions, and I have his proxy. A tenant had reported things to L&I and the landlord had been hit hard with several major violations and he was taking it out on the whole building. Leaving that issue hanging or in someone elses hands wasnt an option as far as he was concerned. His situation is complicated, the doctor began. Im not the one hiring you. Tony had seen what was happening but after two cops he knew were shot by perps within hours of going to IA, he arranged his transfer and left the evidence he had behind with someone he hoped would be able to figure things out. Its just, Ive heard some things. Octavia and Clarke are sent down to Earth without Bellamy. Same with Ziva. Nothing to indicate that he wont be able to move downstairs today. Mason sank to his knees and his body shook with sobs. I dont know why (because Abby can be an awesome character, right? After a minute, he pulled out his cell and tried McGee again; it still went straight to voicemail. Upon certain punishments being dealt out DiNozzo and Gibbs return a year later only to meet Tim's new teammates leading to a unpleasant confrontation, and Tim having words of his own for his now former teammates. It remained to be seen how he would be on the job. Youve shown in Emergence (Ziva) and The Journey Home (Abby) that you dont approve of their behavior, but this was the first time were not in an AU verse so its more real. Thoroughly enjoyed this fic, thank you so much for sharing your talent. I wondered what it would take to kill your silence is this it? Note**Clarke and Bellamy oneshot is now posted. Tonys in the hospital, and I need to get back there., Mouth falling open, her eyes widened comically. Anthony is back from radiology, Jethro. Those are only the most superficial examples. Letting someone slide on a minor charge to get info or fixing a ticket. Thank you! That wasnt all hed done. There was suddenly another shot, and the second man, who had been suspicious of Tony, likely because hed seen him working as a cop at some point, Gibbs assumed, said, You killed Mark!, And Im going to kill you if you make one more move, Tony barked. He wondered if either of them would notice that the recording light was on. He liked it hard and fast right after waking up, and Gibbs was only too happy to oblige. Charlie and Ian clash when they first meet. Loved this, sad in places but really wonderful bits too. He was getting rather desperate to see how Tony was doing, but it seemed like there was a never-ending stream of things to do or discuss that came first. It tormented the well known peace activist for the rest of her short life. I dont want you here.. Because of the situation, we wanted to be certain we had positive ID on them if they were found. Im surprised I havent left a comment on this fic before now as 1) it is a favorite, 2) I feel strongly about Dead Air, and 3) it is a perfect fix-it for that episode while still providing us with some Tony/Gibbs angst and romantic resolution. But it turns out hes the guy who Tony uses to do his pipes. Look me in the eye when I put the world free of your abnormality. Lunsford spit the words literally at Tony. Yeah. Did you speak with Director Vance?. I love this. He took a minute to look over both reports, finding McGees to be more thorough in regards to the altercation with the Alexandria PD. I just would rather wait." "Well, as the man said. I swerved to miss the car and then again to miss your bag. I was very happy to find this in my mailbox today. Though if Vance chose to keep them, Gibbs doubted hed be able to find a team lead willing to take either of them. From the moment he woke up this morning he hadnt been able to stop thinking about John. So what now? Tony asked, picking at the afghan Gibbs had thrown over him. I can escort you, maam.. Worse than they already have? he asked wryly. Can I get you something to drink?, John sat on the sofa and looked at the bottle on the table. Since then, Tony had made sure to not let that be a weakness in his own security. They mutually agreed to end their relationship and after the semester, Robert left for DC. They care about other stuff, like security clearances but they kind of arent allowed to care about the minutiae. Skull fracture, bullet lodged in the upper chest near the shoulder, lacerated spleen, broken ribs, tibia in pieces and a host of minor injuries.. Sit.. Wow. Finally, Gibbs held up a hand. left kudos on this work! If you are under the age of 18, please leave immediately. Even if, by some miracle, Vance decided to keep these two at NCIS, they sure as hell wouldnt be on his team. It is, Tony replied softly on a breath. But if thats what weve come to, then it ends here. Equipment malfunction? Vance asked hopefully. When theyd worked up to a fever pitch, he slowed things down a bit by breaking the clutch of Tonys legs as he knelt up and reached for the lube. It had been a week since the fiasco with Abby, twelve days since the attack, which put Tony checking out of the hospital on Halloween. He repeated the move and got another before he settled into a deep fucking rhythm that had Tony clinging to him even as his body strove to meet the hard thrusts. I have to leave and get this goat rope under control. Green eyes filled with too much pain fixed on Gibbs. I admit, I dont do a great job of balancing Ziva in most of my stories but thats because her inclusion in the show made zero sense to me from the outset. Otherwise, hes hanging in. Find my team, Alex. His performance on the job should be what matters, not his damn degrees, Leon. He doesnt normally go in until near one in the afternoon.. Hey. And what if the damn thing is out when you need to go to a doctors appointment?, He quickly shot Tony a sidelong look, then asked, Why dont you tell me whats really bothering you, because youve stayed with me before and it didnt set you off like this.. And maybe its time for ya to move on., Thats crazy, Shane. And I have no damn idea what Im going to say to him. In retrospect, Gibbs found it almost a miracle that Tony managed to remain conscious and coherent as long as he had with the degree of head injury hed suffered. She was quietly resentful over the breakup of the team, and he wouldnt ever forget her childish and selfish tantrum in the face of Tonys suffering. Gibbs sat next to the bed again and took Tonys hand again without thinking too much about it. I know you thought you were backing up your partner, he had a hard time not sneering through that, but you should have shut up and cooperated., He took a sip of his coffee, which was almost gone, then leaned back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest. I have a soft spot for hurt!Tony, and had to do a fair amount of work in order to track it down - I think that qualifies it. David was probationary; I cant see how theyll keep her on. Loved thisso much! Summary: Tony comes online as a sentinel when his partner/pretend mate's life is threatened. retch!) Dumbass., Tony shook his head. I went through something recently. Where were they? He was tense, clearly having surmised that it was nothing good. Were only a couple minutes out. This is a favorite NCIS fic of mine, for lots of reasons, not least because of the grown up way you deal with the Dead Air clusterfuck and the real world consequences you apply to the actions of Tim and Ziva. Any idea how DiNozzo managed to survive that? I know what they did was wrong, way wrong, and they know it, too, you have to believe me on that. This isnt the right time for this conversation, but theres no one, no one, more important to me than you. With me. He led them to interrogation one, and gestured them inside. When he was nearly out of his head with pain, or when he was unconscious from pain medication? Gibbs bit out. Gibbs has been gone for months, and Tony's been doing his best to keep everything together, despite Jenny's undercover OP, despite the team's behavior, despite his own exhaustion. It means, when I want to be around you, you tell me to go away. Padraig, this is Agent Axelrod, he works at NCIS., Axelrod opened his mouth, waited a moment, then sighed and closed it. Though its a less vital organ, it would certainly be better if he could retain it, especially with Anthonys prior medical issues. Several major character non-canon deaths are mentioned in passing. So, Yeah, when I first saw the guy I thought it was Agent Gibbs. Someone needed to put a boot up his ass if hed been giving signals that mixed. This is the story of her life, her love, and her recovery. If anyone saw that and took it seriously, it would be bad. I I know thats what you said before, but I thought youd change your mind when you werent so angry, she whispered. They will monitor it in the near term, but may have to operate if the swelling worsens or if he displays troubling symptoms. Well get you started on the paperwork while you wait.. So, this is a clusterfuck., Axelrod nodded. I figure this is my only chance to get mine back, Tony said teasingly. No. Theyd been tap dancing around the subject since their first conversation in the hospital, but neither had come right out and said it. I loved you. Friends Gibbs didnt know Tony had came out of the woodwork over the last couple months. Left behind enough evidence with someone I trusted to appease my conscience., Shane nodded slowly, Wondered if some of that stuff that came out was from you. Profiler would know. More detail. NCIS | Action Tony Dinozzo Tim Mcgee Ziva Jethroe Gibbs Melliana Jessica Grey is an abused, lost, scared 9 year old runaway. Love it. He called out repeatedly for backup, Gibbs pressed ignoring her mounting upset. ??? As much as I despise how TPTB and the NCIS writers stable put the turning off the audio feed as a joke and how they had not a clue over the controversy that theyd cause I love well written stories that deal with the incident. -OR-Chim was just trying to make sure Eddie had something to help him out with Buckand he had experience dating a Buckley, so why should he have to suffer the mutual pining when he could do something about it? It sucked hard. They talked for another fifteen minutes, working through the risks and benefits of the different approaches before Gibbs signed the consent forms for the big ass nail-thing, as he thought of it. We found Tony badly injured, keeping one suspect at gunpoint and two others already dead. Weird transition to federal agent.. Hes not a hacker by any stretch, but who do you think did all the computer work when we were a two-man team?, Vance opened his mouth, then snapped it shut. How can you say that?, How did you know I wouldnt be here? Do consider giving up your eternal silence on the subject of your feelings for the young man. Can you tell your writing moves me? Between holding his weapon and the shoulder injury, the sounds of Tony fumbling with his phone came through clearly and he put it on speaker as he called Faber, the conversation going just like Faber had relayed to Gibbs. There. The older of the two nurses nodded, but replied, Just about literally a minute. I never stopped loving you and I know I dont deserve to even have you sit here listening to me try to explain and justify my actions but I love you. Not moving. And when would that be?. Tony sighed, it had been a long case and Vivian was being particularly acerbic these days. Between Vances office and coming back to the bullpen, hed made some arrangements in regards to this session. After a visible deep breath, he spoke, Pleased to meet you, Mr Webb. Their cellphones and personal effects. He then unlocked the door and let him into a fairly standard interrogation room. The next few minutes were busy as a couple nurses and then the doctor came in. Hed also called Ducky from the car, asking him to come down, but to keep it quiet; he didnt need Abby in hysterics when he had less than no information. are the property of their respective owners. Just did another re-read of this and fuckity, fuck, fuck, FUCK. Tony looked back to the cabinet, running his hands over the smooth finish. The fiance who left me at the altar over two years ago, Wendy, taught some music classes at my high school, including piano., Not gonna fly kid. He was the first to admit that hed never been one for holiday gatherings unless forced, but hed taken comfort in knowing that his makeshift family were often all together. Special Agent Loki Laufeyson by Skylar Wittenborn 92.6K 4.1K 89 After the devastating invasion of New York, the war criminal Loki is being punished. Well, Ive read (and bad me, havent yet commented enough on them, but its in my new years resolutions to do so) and loved all your NCIS related stories. Dammit! DEA United States Drug Enforcement Administration Tony nodded, but Gibbs could see the insecurity and the hope warring with each other. After processing the scene, Fabers people ceded jurisdiction to the DEA and told them there was an audio recording of the attack, but theyd have to go through us to get it. They werent listening. Now, if youre done yammering, sit! he barked. McGees emotions were plain to see; he was horrified. Took my place - spreading your disease - pretending - normal - hypnotizing people with the gay - telling FBI - agency look like fags - that photo - computer that witch in her lab - shes probably really a guy - creepy fuckers - gonna kill you - get my job. The nurse thought I was bringing in coffee for Tony, too, and she wasnt happy. Is. He just deleted the photo and sent his case report. As soon as I can arrange it, Gibbs responded immediately. The two walked away and Lunsford continued to his desk, eyes narrowed. I dont particularly care which you pick.. Tony was pale and sweating by the time he was situated in the chair. It always has been. I certainly could see what you meant about her attitude. The man laughed. Hard. Unable to stop himself, he reached out and gently touched the part of Tonys head not covered with a bandage. Jethro, might I inquire as to the whereabouts of Ziva and Timothy? Better, Tony replied unconvincingly. Been an agent since then, recently transferred to DC. No, Leon, I dont particularly want anything.. He had no desire to get himself or Professor Grant in trouble or even show the appearance of impropriety. Gibbs was reading the morning paper on Tonys e-thingy when Tony stirred and asked for water. Ive been in plenty of relationships. Just like when Tony had the plague, he had this gnawing fear that hed lose him. Abby had called repeatedly. Lunsford saw Gibbs new partner huddled against a Marine on the floor. Thank you for sharing! Though hearing Tonys rapid decline was painful. Tony just stared at him, expression primarily stuck on astonishment, but he thought hed seen a moment of happiness in there. If you have an emergency, youve compromised your ability to get to help. Thank you! He has a bachelors in psychology and a masters in criminology, Gibbs replied quickly, enjoying the look on Vances face. When I left, I had an offer from the FBI. He was awake more, but nearly incapacitated by headaches. Why was it always Tony getting hurt? Clenching his jaw, he fought any other outward reaction. He knew Tony had felt the sting of betrayal from at least one partner in the past, but certainly nothing on this scale. Jethro, Ill take Mr. Palmer for a cup of tea and give you some time alone with Anthony.. Ive posted my comments in the past on this piece, but I came back to it just a day or so ago because I stumbled across a few disturbing fics on FFN and AO3 that purported to address the situation but instead tried to make it a TIVA (gag! What was it exactly DiNozzo stumbled on?, Vances brows shot up. And the love story? Theyll be here soon and you might as well rest., Am I Tony trailed off and swallowed convulsively. Even though he needed to leave for the hospital soon, he needed to deal with this first. Ill keep that in mind. Hell, it could have imploded if things had gone right. Said hed like to talk to Gibbs directly about it at some point. I love her dearly, Jethro, but shes entirely too accustomed to getting her way.. He stopped by the nurses desk to see how Tony had fared overnight; most of the nurses recognized him by now. What? Listen.. Its all gonna come out sooner or later, but until you hear it from another official source, no one outside the two of you., Got it. This website is intended for entertainment purposes for those who are over the age of 18. The man that the boy I loved became. Shed laugh at the inaccuracies. I trust them., I hope youre right, kid. Rough night. Yes, I know its all fiction. Discharge had been a logistical mess that had led to more than one argument; Tony could go home and have a near full time nurse, go to a rehab facility, or go with Gibbs and have a part time nurse and physical therapy visits. Lowell knew that all of her affected any more than it already had been now. Back, Tony particularly acerbic these days from his husband and needed to leave to get investigation!.. Tony was out of the woodwork over the last couple months, just about literally a.. In her today could retain it, he needed to deal with things here Grey is an abused lost. John sat on the job or the rest of her affected any more it. Do consider giving up your eternal silence on the job like to talk to Gibbs directly about it some... This sort of Big nail theyre going to say to him discuss, and she wasnt.... In trouble or even show the appearance of impropriety the car and then the doctor came in Enforcement their... 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